XL. Unresolved

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Unfortunately, following the meal, came the wait. Henry had always despised waiting, especially for impending danger. While each of his fellow prisoners drifted off to sleep within the next ten minutes, he couldn't find rest. Despite how he had barely slept the previous night, his unrelenting doubts and worries kept him from finding any respite.

Henry couldn't gauge how much time had passed when he suddenly jerked up, perceiving movement beyond the pit. Before he could shout a warning, he already sensed gnawers lowering themselves into the pit.

The first one violently pulled him up by the arm. "Time to play!"

Henry caught a glimpse of his fellow questers, all in similar positions. He had heard that before. That same phrase he had—

"You shall not leave them here!" Upon Luxa's scream, Henry spun around, witnessing her break free and lunge toward the restrained Aurora. The other fliers remained unmoved, and a surge of fear overtook him as he glanced at the motionless Thanatos.

Yet the gnawers didn't care. They swiftly seized Luxa by the leg and forcefully tore her away from Aurora. Her piteous cries shook Henry to his core. Part of him yearned to join her as he was lifted out of the pit after her, his eye never once leaving Thanatos, yet no sound left his mouth.

It wasn't until he was unceremoniously dropped onto the white, dusty sand, with Gregor, Luxa, Howard, and Stellovet by his side, that Henry realized his escape plan was now useless. Even if they managed to obtain a weapon, the gnawers still had their fliers. Perhaps, he mused, if he could catch Longclaw at the point of his blade, he could trade his life against theirs. If only—

His head shot up, and he strained to focus his senses, to assess the situation. The five of them were on the ground, surrounded by two dozen gnawers that swarmed in from all directions, with more steadily arriving to occupy the bleachers.

"Ah, what a distinguished entourage has graced this humble establishment with their presence today. I am truly honored."

Startled by the familiar voice, Henry looked up and found Longclaw's imposing figure making his way to the center of the arena. To his surprise, a familiar golden crown had rather awkwardly been squeezed onto the large gnawer's ear.

"That one is a few sizes too small for your oversized head," he mumbled under his breath, and despite Longclaw's annoyed hiss, he almost broke into laughter.

"Now, now, Achilles." Longclaw seized him by the collar, dangling him in front of his face. "Have you since changed professions to court jester? I must say I liked you better when you were still my champion." He swayed him back and forth. "No mind; we require a lifting of spirits regardless. This is a celebration!"

Henry writhed in his grasp, but unfortunately, Longclaw had since learned not to expose the pit of his front paw when holding him.

"Do you know what day it is?" asked Longclaw. "A crucial one in the history of the once glorious yet nearly fallen kingdom of gnawers."

"Your coronation?"

"I suppose I should not be surprised that a day in prison did not dim your wits." Longclaw chuckled. "I hope, for your sake, that it has not diminished your fighting skills either. The Great Achilles must battle today; I cannot deny that a considerable number of them came for your sake." He glanced around the filling ranks. "But we shall keep the best for last. Why rush when we have so many excellent options?"

Longclaw dropped Henry into the sand and strolled toward his huddled-together party. "We may begin today's festivities by testing the acclaimed skill of the famed Overland warrior. They say he is undefeated!" Longclaw snickered at Gregor, who visibly shrank a few inches. "They say he escaped the Labyrinth unscathed. That he ended Fangor and Shed, armed with nothing but a torch!"

A HENRY STORY 2: Trials Of The Fallen PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now