" You don't have to be embarrassed about it" Saki said, as she placed her hand on my back.

" Yeah! Besides, I believe you have an amazing voice!" Kokona continued.

" Th - thanks"

OK, this actually went a lot better than I expected!
Don't get me wrong, I love singing.
But I don't wanna people believe that I am some kind of cute - expressing girl, who wants to be a Popstar! or anything like that. I know it may sounds silly, but I am really, really embarrassed of doing anything.....
Well, let's just say expressing.

We arrived at school a bit later than usual, around 7:10.

" I told you we would be late"

" Sorry, Kokona" Saki said and rubbed her head.

Everyone was ahead of us, to their lockers to change their shoes.

" Oh no! They are coming!" Amai whispered.

I turned around, but I already knew what she was talking about.
The Delinquents.

" Let's go" Kokona said and grabbed the others by the hand. I looked behind me and my eyes fell on the pair of golden ones.

Umeji half - smiled at me, so that no one else would notice. I smiled back, and followed the three girls, who had already ran frightened to their lockers.

Umeji's Pov

We arrived at school at the same time as always, with Gaku complaining about his phone, because he had forgotten to charge it and Hayanari telling him to shut up.

Nothing was out of the ordinary, until I saw a group of girls in the distance. I would normally shove them, because they were in our way, but then I noticed her.

She was wearing a different uniform, for the obvious reasons, she still got the same black bag and was short as hell.

Her friends ran away when they saw us, but Izumi gave me a smile first and walked to her locker.
Seriously? She still doesn't fear us?
Man, I didn't see that coming.

" That was the chick from yesterday?"
Hokuto asked.

" Yup" Gaku asked, making a pouty - face.

" Chill, you were the one calling her cute" Dairoku said to him with a smirk.

" She twisted my freaking arm!"

And everyone burst into laughter, by his baby act.

They are idiots.
But they are my idiots.

Mei's Pov

After we changed our shoes, Amai and Saki headed to the Cooking Club to make snacks and Kokona went to the sports room to practice for her play.

I guess I should go to my Club as well.
And find an excuse good enough to cover up why I didn't show up yesterday.

So I did. I went all the way up to the second floor and got inside the Club Room. Miyuji and four more girls were already in and were chatting.

" Oh, you're here, Izumi - Chan!" said Miyuji.

" Hello, Miyuji!"

" Come on, let me introduce you to the rest of the band!"

And so she did.
She introduced me to the two guitarists, Beshi and Gita, to the pianist, Kiba and the drummer, Dora.

They were all really nice and very excited to meet me. Miyuji explained that I was going to be the lead singer, since she wanted to focus on playing the guitar and songwriting. I still felt uncomfortable with this, since she had literally just heard me MUMBLING lyrics! But she reassured me that she could tell just from that.

I Hate Loving You (Umeji Kizuguchi x Reader - New Girl ) [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now