Chapter 8: Surprised

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I'm currently doing my homework when I get a phone call , I wonder who this is..
" hello?" I answer , wait what if it's one of those record your voice and steal you identity calls !?
" hey jade , it's Asher" oh ..I guess it's not one of those calls ,
" Asher hey ! How was practice yesterday" I ask him , after Christian Left Asher came up to tell me he's staying late and I should probably go home , I wasn't gonna sit there 6 hours ! Maybe if he were my boyfriend..definitely.
" it was exhausting , how was staying home?" I laugh as he says that ,
" it was relaxing, I slept most of the time" he chuckles at my response,
" hey since we couldn't hang out yesterday maybe we can grab an ice cream later ?" I smile at the offer,
" I would love too" I say , good thing he can't see me blushing .
" okay , see you then miss Hopkins" I smile and hang up ,
" what are you smiling at ?" I look to see Andrew , I throw a pillow at him and he of course catches it ,
" get out of here loser" I say smiling , he chuckles and walks to his room .


Okay Hopkins , just go in there just go in there you can do it .
" looking for someone?" I jump as I hear the voice behind me, I turn to see Christian.
" not you" I say with a sigh , he looks down at me for a moment .
" Asher went to run an errand, come inside you can wait for him in the living room" he says opening the door , I stare at him for a moment as he stands there waiting for me to go in ,
" promise no funny moves ?" I ask him , he chuckles ,
" I promise" he says , I nod and walk inside. I sit on the couch and Christian sits across from me on the coffee table ,
" how are you ?" He asks me , I look at him for a moment before answering,
" I'm good , you?" He gently smiles , what's he smiling at ?
" I've been good, because of you" wait what now ?
" w-what do you mean because of me?" I ask him ,
" just knowing I'm gonna see you at school makes me want to go , I know we don't get along , but you are my motivation" he says , that's a lot to take in ..
" why? Why me?" I ask him , is this another one of his games?
" your different jade intrigue me, and I never had these kind of feelings when fell for you I didn't want you to I pushed you away , but now I know I took it too far , I'm sorry princess" he says looking down , what am I supposed to do with this information?
" Christian I-"

" jade" I look to see Asher , I quickly get up and Christian does as well ,
" Asher hi , I'm here !" I say with a nervous chuckle,
" yeah..wanna come to my room ? I got movies picked out for us" he says , I look at Christian who's already staring at me,
" see you around" I say to Christian , he gently smiles ,
" see you around princess" he then walks away to I'm assuming his room ,
" ready ?" Asher asks , I smile and nod and we walk to his room .


I enter the room with snacks for us , he looks at me and smiles,
" ready for our movie night ?" I say putting the snacks on the bed ,
" I'd rather do this" he pulls me in for a kiss and I respond,
" we..have too...start..the movie" I say in between kisses ,
" sorry , your just too hard to resist" he says smirking at me , I chuckle and we sit down and play the movie ,
" what do you think of Christian?" I ask him hesitantly , he quietly looks at me with confusion , oh shoot .
" umm why?" He asks me , I open up the Doritos and put it in the bowl ,
" here have some chips" I with a cheesy smile , he puts the bowl down,
" why Blake?" I sigh and set the chips on the floor , here goes nothing ,
" I think jade likes him , and he likes her" I say to him ,
" why on earth would she like that guy ? What about Asher ?" I think for a moment , Asher is a good guy but ..I have a feeling she likes Christian , and I know my best friend.
" they found a connection first , why don't you give him a chance ?" I ask him , he scoffs and shakes his head ,
" he's an asshole Blake , didn't you know that ? Come on let's watch the movie now" i nod and wrap my arms around him and look at the tv , well I tried .


As we do our homework I catch him staring at me ,
" what are you staring at you dork" I say playfully hitting his arm ,
" oh nothing , just the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" I blush and look down , quit it Hopkins! Stop blushing !
" is that a blush I see ?" He says putting his hand under my chin , I cover my face and he laughs .
" thanks for helping me with chemistry, I suck at it" he says closing his text book ,
" study more and trust me you'll be fine" I say smiling , we get up from the desk and he sits on his beg , I join him but sit on the edge , he stares at me and then sits next to me,
" I have something to tell you" he says quietly , what is he gonna tell me?!
" it's about Christian" I look at him with confusion, wait what ?
" what do you mean ?" I ask him , he sighs and looks at me ,
" I want you to stay away from him , he's not good news you know ? And On top of that Andrew Hates his guts" he says with a chuckle, I fake smile and look away , the truth is..I can't . I can't stay away from him , there's just something about him.
" I have to go" I tell him ,

" okay , I'll walk you out" he says , I quickly get up from the bed ,
" oh no it's fine" I smile and walk out , I go downstairs and before I open the door ,
" jade" I turn to see Christian, he of course has no shirt on , only sweatpants. Wow he looks so attractive, I start to walk toward him , wait Hopkins what are you doing? Stop walking towards him! As I get to him I kiss him and he responds back , he wraps his hands around my waist and let's out a groan, our lips move in sync and my hands goes to his shoulders to his neck . We pull away and I look up at him .
" wow princess, that surprised me" he says gently smiling at me ,
Trust me. I surprised myself..

Sorry I haven't been posting I've been working and writing my other book series , pretty busy !
Love you guys !❤️

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