Thirty Two

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"Why won't you tell me where we're going?" Nick chuckled as I pouted from where I sat on the edge of the bed.

Nick had decided that we should take our first vacation together as a family before the holiday season hits which includes Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. My favourite holidays of the year. They are all about family, other than Halloween, but who doesn't love dressing up (other than Nick, obviously, he's my little Halloween bah humbug).

"Because it's a surprise" I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"I hate surprises, Nicholas, especially when I know it's happening. You were lucky you got away with my birthday last year" I watched him closely as he threw items of clothing into a suitcase, there was a slight glare to my gaze.

"You're gonna love it, stop stressing" I went to argue back but the baby monitor grabbed my attention.

"I'll get him" I pushed myself up from the bed and stomped from the room, Nick lightly laughed behind me. I rolled my eyes and grumbled in aggravation but a smile formed on my face as I stepped into Peyton's room. "Hi, Baby Boy. Did you have a good nap?" Peyton babbled as I lifted him from the crib. "Shall we go and see daddy?"

"Da" Peyton began to bounce against my hip. The smile on my face grew enormous. "Da" I pressed a kiss to the top of his head and turned to leave the bedroom but I was stopped as Peyton reached back towards his crib and whined.

"What's up, Baby?" I turned back to the crib, stroking my fingers through Peyton's bed hair. I glanced into his crib, Peyton instantly leant away from me, his little arms reaching out. "Oh, Bunny" I lifted his stuffed bunny from the crib and handed it to me, my heart soaring as he clutched it tightly into his chest. "I can't believe we nearly forgot bunny, Baby" he cuddled himself into me, his head resting on my shoulder as he kept a tight grip on his bunny. "Auntie Mads brought you bunny, Baby? I don't think I've ever seen a baby so attached to a teddy" I lightly chuckled. "Let's go and find daddy, Handsome" I began from the room and wondered into the master bedroom to find Nick sat on the edge of the bed, staring off into the distance with a content, but creepy, sort of smile on his face. "Nick?" he jumped at the sound of my voice cutting through the silence. "Are you okay? You have a weird smile on your face" he pushed himself up from the bed and wondered towards me, never once removing his smile.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Baby" I tapped him lightly on the cheek before walking around him, removing Peyton from my hip and lowering him onto the bed. A wide smile spread across my face as hands settled on my hips, pulling me back into him. I kept my eyes on Peyton as he happily sat on the bed, his bunny settled in his lap.

"You make me so happy. I don't know where I'd be without you both" I ran my hand into Nick's hair as he nuzzled his face into my neck, his lips brushing against my skin. "I heard you talking to Peyton and I can't ever see me letting you go. You're it for me, Dems. You're all I ever want, you're all I will ever want" a lump instantly formed in my throat.

"Where's all this coming from, Nick?"

"It's not coming from anywhere" I would have turned myself to face him if Peyton wasn't sat on the bed. "It's the truth, Dems. I want to spend forever with you" I could feel the backs of my eyes burning with the threat of tears.

"I want to spend forever with you too, Boo" he pressed a simple kiss to my cheek and then removed himself from me. He lowered himself down onto the edge of the bed and I smiled down at him.

"Did you have a nice nap?" Peyton crawled towards Nick and instantly climbed into his lap, the cutest squeal and giggle leaving his lips as Nick began to pepper his face with kisses.


"So, if I'm packing a bathing suit, does that mean we're going to a beach?" Nick just glanced over at me with a smirk. I groaned in frustration, dropping the bathing suit into the suitcase.

"You taking a bikini?" the question made me tense.

"Erm..." I glanced down into the suitcase, keeping my eyes down as Nick stared over at me.

"Would you take a bikini if I told you it would only be me, you and Peyton? No way of paparazzi getting any photos" I bit down on my lip as I glanced up to meet his gaze as he stepped towards me, taking a hold of my hands. "You're gorgeous. And I want to see my girl in a bikini" I rolled my eyes as his mouth formed into a pout.

"I don't know."

"Please?" his hands released mine and settled on my hips, pulling me into him, so he could run his hands down to my ass. "You have that one I brought you which you haven't worn yet? You could wear that."

"I don't even know whether I'd fit into it, Nick" I ran my hands up his chest, settling them on his shoulders.

"Okay, if you don't want to take it that's fine. I won't pressure you, Baby" we stared silently into each other's eyes before I caved.

"Okay, go and get it. I can't promise I'll be wearing it though" he chuckled and shook his head, leaning down to press his lips to mine. "You better get it before I change my mind" I squealed as Nick placed a gentle slap on my ass as he pulled away, smirking at me over his shoulder as he disappeared into the closet. I stared down at myself for a moment before I went back to packing.


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