A trailer perhaps?

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A/N: Well you see, I was planning to make an original story for fun. So...I was thinking of letting you guys find out some parts of it. Also I added my favorite song to this...

Hope you enjoy!


The day lapses, turning days to nights, winter to springs, and sunny to rains. In a hillside you can see a boy with black hair and blue eyes. He was casually leaning at a tree, looking at the horizon. He then spotted a girl in the distance and his cold icy eyes softened.

I don't wanna die or fade away
I just wanna be someone
I just wanna be someone

Scene changes:

The boy before was now standing in a abyss of darkness. Around him he can hear the voices whispher and laughing. He wants to scream, to get out this horrid nightmare. He was about to let out a shriek when a hand covered his mouth.

That's when eveeything fades. He closed his eyes but only for them to snap opened again. But instead of the blue orbs he once have, it was now a black hole with pairs of red bloody pupils. Blacks veins and cracked appeared the corner of his eyes; then, he released a horrifying cry.

Dive and disappear without a trace
I just wanna be someone
Well, doesn't everyone?

Scene changes:
The boy was now looking at a destroyed village. He could feel the fierce gazes stabbing behind his back. He didn't dare look at them, he just clutched a blanket with a newborn baby in it. He quickly walks away as each people trows a rock at him. He didn't pay mind, he's only thought now was to save his sister.

A rock hit him in the side of his head. Blood started to drip but he continued on.

And if you feel the great dividing
I wanna be the one you're guiding
'Cause I believe that you could lead the way

Scene changes:
His eyes snapped open, he was still leaning on the tree. He was about to get up when a hand reaches to him. He looked up and saw a girl with red scarlet her and purple eyes. He saw her smirking and the boy couldn't help but growled. Seeing the girl laugh and without hesitation pulled him up.

His angry expression was now calmed and he couldn't help but smile.

I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I never had nobody and no road home
I wanna be somebody to someone

Now as the two run. He couldn't help but stare at her. He let himself drawn to her and it made his cold heart warm. Suddenly a large boar appear, charging at them. Without hesitation, he scooped her legs up and hold her tight.

She yelped and glared at him. This time, it was him to smirk. He leap up and using the snout of the creature as a trampoline. He kicks off and jump higher as the sun was now in the background.
He saw her blush and he couldn't help to smile again.

And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold
Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall

Scene changes:
Black markings appeared on his body. His cries echoed trough the woods. He eyed the litter of people on the ground and to a bloodied man near him. This made him mad even more. He cried much louder, his body releasing a dark sphere. Tears pooled on his eyes; as he was about to release his rage, a hand cupped his face.

I really need somebody to call my own
I wanna be somebody to someone

He looked up, his senses alert. But, time stopped. He saw her, battered bloodied and wounded. She was smiling trough her tattered face and wet tears now dripped down on his cheeks. Still weaeing that smile, she sighs and hugs him. She leaned into his ears and said, "You have done enough, now rest."

His eyes turned back to normal and that's when he closed his tired eyes. Letting the warmtg seep in his sored body as a smile made his way to his lips.

Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you

Scene changes:
The boy now bandage up was now sleeping on a bed. At his side was the girl. She was reading her book and when she moved it a little to take a peak. She couldn't help but smiled. Slowly she leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead. Pulling away, she put the book down and placed her hand in his.

She glance at him one more time before resting her head near him.

I don't even need to change the world
I'll make the moon shine just for your view
I'll make the starlight circle the room
And if you feel like night is falling
I wanna be the one you're calling
'Cause I believe that you could lead the way

He opened his eyes and stood up; however, he felt something on his hand. He looks down and saw a small hand interwined with his. He follows it until he saw the owner'w face; upon seeing this he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I never had nobody and no road home
I wanna be somebody to someone

Scene changes:
Locked up in a cage, he called out for help. Just as he was about to give up, she came to his line of sight. He begun reaching for her but as his hand touches her, she vanished.

Determined he formulate a plan to escale and save her.

And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold
Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall
I really need somebody to call my own
I wanna be somebody to someone
Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you

The kingdom come, the rise, the fall
The setting sun above it all
I just wanna be somebody to you

Scene changes:
Standing at the top, they watch the kingdom be touched by the rays of the setting sun. The two both hold hands, cherishing this feeling forever.

I just wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I wanna be somebody to someone, oh
I never had nobody and no road home
I wanna be somebody to someone

And if the sun's upset and the sky goes cold
Then if the clouds get heavy and start to fall
I really need somebody to call my own
I wanna be somebody to someone
Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you
Someone to you

The two look at each other. The boy bended down and the girl stood at her tippy toe. Their lips connected and fireworks exploded in the background. His arms snaked down her waist and lift her up. The two hold on to each other as their silhoutte stretches from the ground.


A/N: That's the end, thankyou for reading. This will be part of some scenes in my wanting story. Thanks again and see you guys soon.

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