I ran to the hospital, looking back at Rocky shaking his head. When I hit the front desk, I asked to see Jordan Carter.

When I got the information, I went up to the fourth floor. It took awhile until I hit the floor, heading to 408.

"I'm here Symere." I raised my voice up, making Symere hug me.

"I thought you wouldn't make it." He said, smiling when Rocky came behind me.

"When I say I'll come, I'm going to come."

I said, hugging Jordan too.

"He was freaking out in the store when he heard the news." Rocky sat in the chair, looking at the woman.

"Yeah, I almost pulled down the shelve for baby clothes." I replied, handing them the baby clothes.

"Tyler, you brought us enough clothing." Symere said, grabbing the bag.

"I don't care, y'all need more."

"Who you?" Rocky interrupted us, looking at the woman.

"This is Elissa, our surrogate." Symere said.

She waved at both of us. "Hi Tyler, I'm a fan of your music."


"That's Rocky?" She asked.

"Yeah, that's my friend."

He hit me on my thigh, "Stop fucking lying, I'm his boyfriend. Technically husband, but boyfriend."

"Wait whoa, what happened to that husband title card?" Jordan pointed at both of us.

"It's a long story to be fucking honest, I rather not talk about it. I'm not ashamed of it but it's really long." I sighed.

"Ah, okay..." Symere said.

"So your surrogate y'all best friend or....?" I trailed off.

"No, I'm Jordan's ex..." She said quietly.

Well, ain't dat some shit. Me and Rocky looked at each other at the same time.

"We dated in high school guys, I didn't cheat on Symere."

"Yeah we did, I was quiet and awkward. Actually we was both were."

"Yup, I'm still am awkward." Jordan scratched his head.

I changed the subject, "How you know their baby was coming?"

"I was sleeping and felt contractions, they were hurting bad so I called them." She explained.

"Are you having contractions?"

"They coming here and there but their fine." She quietly said.


"Is that the head?" Rocky said, pointing.

We were currently watching the birth from the outside, since the doctors kicked us out. They was some rude assholes, I wanted Rocky to punch them.

"Yup it is." We watched their baby come out slowly plus seeing Symere crying a little bit.

"Was your birth like that?" He tilted his head, watching the baby come out.

"No, I had a c-section." I turned to look at him.

"What's that?"

"They cut you open and slowly pushes the baby out."

"Does it hurts?"

"Not really unless you're really in pain. So they have to put you on medication." I answered, "That was me with Yazzy."

"Why you couldn't push her out naturally?"

"Remember I have a dick but with female reproduction system." I said irritated, I just don't wanna talk about this conversation anymore.

"Sorry..." Rocky said lowly, continuing watching the birth.

Then I felt a warm hand coming up to mines, wrapping around my hand.

I don't know why I'm irritated and lowkey sad, I think their birth got to us.

It could've been us having a little one, but you know what happened.

"Their daughter is here." We clapped from the outside, seeing Jordan cutting the cord.

"Who cut your cord?" Rocky asked me.

"Taco did, that's why him and Yasmine are so close. He came in after I pushed her out then he cut it."

"Ah, I see."


After their baby got a check up, we took turns holding her. They was still figuring out her name for awhile. Until they came up with Arianna.

"She's adorable and quiet, you have a good on your hands." Rocky said, sitting in the chair with her.

"I noticed that, she haven't cry for awhile." Symere smiled, holding hands with Jordan.

I was texting Jasper, seeing my baby was okay.

"You wanna hold her Tyler?" Rocky interrupted me from my text message.

I nodded my head yes, grabbing Arianna softly.

I rocked her, "She's real quiet. She have Jordan's lips..." I softly smiled.

"She's a wonderful babygirl, awful quiet and everything." I said, "I'm going to buy y'all more supplies."

They laughed when I handed her back to Jordan, who was smiling everytime seeing her.

I and Symere wish Elissa was here to see her but she didn't wanna be in the same room, I don't know, something hit her?

I checked the time, seeing it 4pm.

"We gotta go, since we gotta pick up Yazzy." I said hugging them.

"Oh tell her I said hi." Symere said, hugging Rocky.

"I will, congrats on your baby once again."

"Yeah, congrats. Spoil that little girl." Rocky told Jordan.

"You know I will Rocky. I'll see y'all later."


"Hi Yasmine!" Rocky was at the door, picking her up.


I smiled at their interactions from downstairs, I was leaning on the car.

"Hey mamas, you've been good?" Rocky asked, handing me her bag.

I waved goodbye to Taco who was eating a taco. Weird.

"Remember, Spring and Summer Category! Deadline is Friday!" Taco yelled.

I put a thumbs up, hopping in the back seat.

"Hey mamas." I kissed her on her cheek.

"Papa..." She yanked on my ear.

"Ow, I'm glad you're happy to see us." I said, laughing.

I buckled her up, fixing her buns. She have some beautiful hair...

"Foo..." She pointed in the front.

"Rocky can you hand me those gummy bears?"

"Sure...." He stopped at a red light, grabbing them for me.

"Open wide mamas." I put one in her mouth.

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