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Me and Rakim was holding hands while walking out the ceremony, me holding Yasmine in my other arm. Everyone was cheering us on, saying their goodbyes and clapping aswell.

I looked outside their was a white limo, sun shining clearly on it. It was actually...nice, beautiful, perfect. Some many other words but I'm really gonna exaggerate it.

"Ready?" Rakim said to me with a fake smile.

I gave him a fake warm-smile and started walking down with him. Everyone was excited for us but we wasn't excited. It was a scenery when a couple wasn't happy at all, but still got engaged and got forced married because they want their family and friends happy.

That was kinda like us but a little different, really.

I hopped in the limo, sitting Yasmine down on my lap. I gave her my phone so she occupy herself for awhile. Rakim dapped up his friends for the last time before hopping in.

He closed the door, sighing. "Driver can you down the music please?" He asked, looking at me in the process.

"Yes, Mr.Mayers."


Well, this ride is long. Somehow, his manager put our hotel downtown, where all the traffic is at. I've tried to distract myself away from Rakim or the things just happened but it's not helping at all.

I sighed, pulling out my phone which it was on 20%. Damn, Yasmine really ran my battery down. Speaking of her, she was sleeping on my lap.

I opened my fashion website, Golf le fleur*. I went into my rough drafts to finish these flamer pants I came up last week, and they coming out really good.

I sketched the last flame on the pants, adding a little more detail.

"Perfect. My pants are done." I said quietly.

I seen Yasmine pop her head out her sleep, trying to see what I was doing. I picked her up from my lap, sitting correctly.

"Hi mamas, not sleepy anymore?" I kissed her on the cheek. She rubbed her eyes, nodding her head no. She tried to grab my phone but it was far away on my other side.

"Wanna see my sketch Yasmine? You probably like it.." I turned my phone and showed it to her.

She clapped, then jumped a little bit.

"I know you would like it."


"Mr.Mayers, we're here."

"Thank you my good gentleman." Rakim said getting out first then I and Yasmine.

We was at the most rich/expensive hotel downtown in New York called The Plaza. (Yes, this is real)

 (Yes, this is real)

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"Wow this amazing." I said, looking at all the bright lights. I walked in behind Rakim, walking in the fancy hotel.

There was chandeliers all round the room, brighting up the room with lobby couches and chairs.

"Room 764 name Rakim Mayers." He checked his phone before turning to his right to look at me.

I stared at him before Yasmine pulled onto my ear. "You gotta stop that.." I pulled her hand off my ear.

"Here's your card, enjoy your stay." She smiled at the both of us.

I did a small thank you before going to the elevator and getting in. Rakim pressed the button floor 7 which we up in the air.

I put my phone in my pocket, looking up to see Rakim staring at me, again.

"Take a picture, it would last longer." I said with a blank feature.

He shaked his head, hearing the elevator ding, the walked out first.

Well damn, grumpy much?

I walked out, following behind Rakim while he try to find our hotel room. When he find the room number he unlocked it for us and let me go in first.

It was a poster the wall saying the room had a living room and dining room with 2 beds. Oh fuck yes.

I picked up the letter, "Welcome newlyweds to the Plaza downtown New York. We set up your personal things in the living room. The children things and needs are in the living room closet. Towels, Wash cloths, hygiene are all in the bathroom. If you need assistance, just call room service. Other then that, enjoy your stay."

"From The Plaza and Rocky's Manager." I closed it, putting it back on the table.

I started explore the place, leaving Rocky in the living room. The dining room was nice, all the liquor in a cabinet. I opened the door, going into bedroom. I sat Yasmine down on one of the beds, I gotten tired holding her. I took off my jacket, laying it on the bed.

I left Yasmine for a good minute to find my stuff in the living room. It was under the tv on the wall, so I grabbed with my portable mouse.


"You like that bubble bath hmmm?" I put her night gown on.

After getting everything situated, I fed and took a bath with Yasmine for the sakes for her not to cry. If she crys, you don't know when she stops.

She started to doze off when I was combing her hair, "Hold on mamas, I'm almost finished."

I laid her under covers, kissing on forehead and walked out the bedroom slowly with my laptop.

I went in the living room, seeing Rakim on his phone, still wearing his suit. I rolled my eyes, sitting down on the couch far away from Rakim.

I started to work my projects until Rocky started to do small talk, "How old is she?"

"Yasmine is 7 and half months old today." I smiled, I remember when I first birthed her.


"Yeah." I send out emails to Models for the 2018 Fall/Winter collection.

The last season models dipped on me at the last minute, making me come up with a rushed idea.

I closed my laptop, looking over to Rakim on the balcony smoking a blunt.

I walked up to him, giving us space. "I didn't know you smoke."

"I smoke once in a while. When I turned 30, I knew I had to calm down on the smoking."

I nodded my head, looking down into the busy streets of new york.

"Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight Rocky." I walked away.

"Goodnight Tyler.." He said like he sounded hurt.

I shrugged it off, still making myself go to the bedroom.

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