My tension eased a bit, though I couldn't say I was exactly relaxed.

"Everyone may re-enter the train," a voice said over the intercom.

I raised my head, blinking. "Guess they finished everything up."

Kirishima nodded, and we both stood to enter. However, someone stood in front of the door, blocking us.

"Hey man," Kirishima stepped forwards, "Let us in."
The man shook his head, glaring at me. "There's no way he's coming back in here."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, and Kirishima looked almost... Angry.

"Why not?" he asked with a forceful tone.

He scowled. "You know exactly why."

"He just saved your lives!" he yelled, even making sure to look behind the man. "Is this how you treat someone who does that for you?! You should be treating him like a hero!"
Seeing that the man's mood was only dropping, I stepped forwards, placing my hand on Kirishima's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I can just-"

"No," Kirishima said. "This isn't cool." He turned his attention back towards the man. "Now let us in. You have no right to keep us from getting inside."

The man narrowed his eyes. "It's my right to safety. Who cares if he took that guy down?" He glared at me, jabbing his finger my way. "He was the one who brought him here!"

A lump caught in my throat. He's not wrong.

"Really, Kirishima, I'll be fine," I said, trying to get him to drop the issue. It really is my fault."
Kirishima turned towards me. "C'mon, man! Of course it's not your fault. This guy is just being an ungrateful jerk!" He shot a look towards him. "This isn't your choice to make. And it's not like he's actually done anything to you."

"Not done anything?!" someone yelled from the back, prompting another person to speak up.

"He's caused nothing but trouble!"

Kirishima gritted his teeth, harshly whispering. "He's trying his best. And you know you're not allowed to talk about that."

"Talk about what?" I asked, confused.

The original man scowled. "How you're nothing but a v-"

Suddenly Kirishima punched forwards, his fist connecting with the man's jaw. He heaved before looking down at his hand, surprised. He became red and looked up at the man. "I'm so so-"

The man held his jaw as people held him upwards to keep him from hitting the ground.

"What kind of hero are you supposed to be?!" someone spat.

"Figures someone who'd hang out with that kid would be trouble," another grumbled.

Kirishima froze. "I..."

Stepping forwards, I put my arm to the side. "Leave Kirishima alone!" I shouted over their comments, rendering them silent. I cleared my throat, lowering my voice. I could feel their eyes piercing through me. "He didn't do anything," I said. "I don't know why you hate me, but if it keeps you from hating him, do whatever you like. I won't stop you."

Kirishima reached his hand out. "Midoriya, I-"

Shaking his hand off, I shook my head. "This isn't fair. You shouldn't have to fight for me."

Kirishima's hand fell as the people inside stared. Suddenly, though, the original man straightened himself.

"So you don't remember the trouble you put everyone through?" he hissed. "Liar." Without giving me any warning, he pushed on my chest, causing me to stumble backwards and fall to the ground.

I stared up at him, lips slightly parted and furrowed my brows.

"What?" he spat, "Are you going to fight back? Show everyone just what kind of person you really are?"

You could end this so easily.

Heaving, I forced myself upwards.

It wouldn't take much.

"Midoriya, what are you doing?" Kirishima asked, concerned.

Just do it.


















Sighing, I brushed my hands on my pants.

After a moment, I connected eyes with the man. "I told you I wouldn't stop you. Go ahead. Kick me to the ground. I won't fight back."

Kirishima's eyes widened. "Midoriya..."

"Because," I narrowed my eyes, "Heroes are there to protect those in need - not to fight innocents."






*wipes away tears*

ok ok

Thanks for reading! <3

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