Chapter 5: Alfheim Online

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Asuna's POV

<December 18, 2024, 9:00 am>

I grabbed the Amusphere and placed it over my visor. It was my first time full diving ever since SAO.

"Link start," I muttered.

My normal vision was filled with bright colors and the process of logging in. Then, I saw the title for the game.

"Welcome to Alfheim Online," the game announcer stated.

I looked around the room and it was mostly black with orange lines dividing the walls and light blue rectangles evenly spaced from each other. A light blue keyboard appeared in front of me.

"Please enter your gender and the name you wish to be identified as," the game said.

I raised my hand and thought about how I would like to be identified.

"Lightning Flash Asuna," I remembered.

I typed in Asuna and entered female for the gender.

"There are nine races of fairies to choose from. Please select which race you would like to play as," the game instructed.

I scrolled through all of the races and found one with blue hair.

"That one seems pretty good," I thought while selecting it.

"You have selected Undine. Your character's appearance will be decided at random. Do you wish to continue?" the game finished.

I pressed the confirm button.

"You will now be teleported to your hometown in Undine territory. Good luck player," the game stated.

A light blue aura surrounded me and I was placed into the sky above a small town. In the corner of my eye, I saw a black box start to expand.

"What is happening?!" I screamed while the black boxes surrounded me.

The black box enveloped my whole vision. A few seconds later, I landed on my back in a forest somewhere in the game.

"Where am I?" I thought.

I looked around and saw a forest. Just like one of the Aincrad floors I lost someone I knew. I started to panic as all of my memories started to come back to me. All of the SAO monsters filled my vision. I crouched down and held my head in my arms.

<Cardinal System of ALO>

Error detected... A player's mental well-being is unstable. Activating countermeasures.


I looked up slowly and saw a pixie floating by my head.

"Wh-Who are you?" I stammered.

"I'm a player support program for the cardinal system. I noticed you had been panicked so I came here," the pixie tweeted, "Let's see your items."

My inventory opened and a bunch of unknown items was displayed.

"Adjusting personality," the pixie said.

"Wha-What?" I asked.

A bright light replaced the pixie. I shielded my eyes and braced for the worst.

"Hello mommy," a familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw Yui standing there.

"Yui!" I cried.

I reached out and caught her in my arms. I hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too," Yui said.

I let go of Yui and she looked at all of my inventory.

"You have a lot of unknown items. It's best to delete them before you break the game," Yui suggested.

I selected all of my items and clicked the delete button. A confirmation screen popped in front of me. I slightly hesitated before confirming my decision. I sighed in disappointment.

"Your skills Mommy," Yui mentioned.

I looked at all of my skills and most were upgraded already.

"But how?" I thought while looking through all of them.

"These must be your skills from SAO," Yui said.

"Wait are we back in SAO?" I asked.

Yui disagreed, "No, this is Alfheim Online."

I got up from the forest floor.

"Why are we here mommy?" Yui asked.

"Daddy is stuck in here, but we need to save him in a few days," I explained.

"Where though?"

"I have a pretty good guess, the world tree."

I paused for a few moments.

"Wait where am I Yui?" I asked.

Yui closed her eyes and whispered something to herself.

"We're in neutral territory," she said.

"Well, it would've been great if I was teleported near the tree," I said.

"Maybe your location data got corrupted."

"That's a possibility."

I looked on my back and saw blue shapes protruding from them.

"So these are the wings," I said, "Yui, how do I control this?"

Yui came up to my shoulders.

"Reach out with your left hand as if you were grabbing something," she instructed.

I reached out with my left hand and shifted my fingers. A small controller appeared in my hand.

"To ascend, pull towards you. To descend, push away. To turn left or right, move the controller in that direction," she continued.

I pulled my arm closer to me and I started to fly. Woah was the only feeling I had right now.

"To accelerate, put pressure on the trigger. To decelerate, relieve the pressure on the trigger," Yui finished.

I pressed down on the trigger and I sped away. Yui caught up with me after.

"Where to Yui?" I asked.

"The nearest town is Sylvain in Sylph territory," Yui said.

"Okay, that's our next destination."


"Handing this stuff out like candy bro,"

-The Author

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