Chapter 4: Kirito

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Asuna's POV 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You heard me. I was clear and concise with my words," she said.


"I know you were married to him in the game, but this isn't the game anymore, this is real life."

I couldn't speak after that. I just walked out of the room and back down to the hospital food court. I found Rika sitting there without her crutches. I walked up and plopped myself into a chair.

"You okay Asuna? It looks like you've seen a ghost," Rika said.

"Just tired," I lied.

"Well, I finished my rehab so where do you want to go?"

"I'll just eat at home."

I got up from the table and perambulated outside of the hospital. I trotted to the bus stop and board the bus to get back home. It had just started to rain.

"Wow, what perfect timing," I thought.

<12:00 pm>

I walked up to my house and entered it. I trudged to my room and threw myself onto the bed. I pulled out my phone and looked at all of the photos I had with Kirito. My dad got them for me before he left for his fishing trip.

"Kirito," I cried softly.

I let my tears roll down my cheeks. I couldn't comprehend what she said to me.

"I do not want to see you here ever again," the words echoed in my mind.

I knew what she meant but I just didn't want to accept it. A chime came from my computer. I reached over and grabbed my laptop from my desk. I opened it and it was a message from Rika. I opened the message and saw a very distorted figure trapped inside of a birdcage. I analyzed it closer and saw it looked like Kirito. I opened the messaging app and opened Rika's contact.

Asuna: Where did you get this?

Rika: Come to Dicey Cafe. I'll send you directions.

I hopped off my bed and placed the laptop on my desk. I bolted outside with my wallet and back to the bus stop.

<1:00 pm>

I got to Dicey Cafe and opened the door. I walked inside and saw Rika and Agil at the bar. I don't know how I remember him after all of this but I did.

"Hey guys," I said.

"Hey Asuna," Rika greeted.

I walked down to the bar and pulled myself up onto a barstool.

"I'm assuming the 1st question you have is where I got that picture," Agil said while making a cup of Matcha tea.

"Yeah, I mean, the figure looks just like Kirito," I commented.

Agil reaches under the bar and pulled out a game case. He slid the case over to me and I caught it.

"Alf-heim Online?" I asked. 

"First of all, it's Alv-heim online. Means Land of the Fairies. Alfheim Online is the newest VRMMO on the block. It uses the Amusphere rig," Rika corrected me.

"The Amusphere?"

"It's the successor to the Nerve Gear rig."

I looked at the case for the game. 

"So what does this have to with Kirito?" I asked.

Rika handed me the same photo. 

"The photo was taken in Alfheim Online," Rika said.

"But how though?" I asked.

"There's a flight engine in the game," Agil responded.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, the controls for it are hard to master though. Also, the combat aspects are different."

"What do you mean?"

"It's skill-based instead of level-based. Also, your combat abilities depend on your real-life athleticism. No sword skills either. Other than that, it's SAO but with magic."

I drank from my cup of tea.

"Where was the photo taken in the game?" I asked.

"The world tree," Rika said.

"The world tree?"

"Yeah. Players are divided into 9 races. All of these races try to get here, to the world tree. Legend says that there's a castle on top of the tree."

I looked at the map of the world.

"May I borrow this Agil?" I asked.

"Yeah sure," he responded.

I grabbed the game case.

"Now I need the Amusphere," I said.

"It works with the Nerve Gear," Rika suggested.

"Well, I can buy it."

"Rich girl."

"Can it."

I finished the last of the tea and walked out of the cafe.

Kirito's POV

I tapped on the table while waiting for something interesting to happen. I was hoping that I would return to the real world but no, I woke up to this stupid birdcage.

"I mean, I wouldn't keep you around if I had to," Kotone Takeyima droned on.

"Why am I here?" I asked impatiently.

"Well, after you cleared SAO, my dad decided to collect a few...subjects for testing his experiment. I requested you to be a part of the select 300 people."

"300 people for what?"

"Mind control. He figured out a way to change the memories of people and sway their emotions."

"Quite the father you have."

"Yeah. He also has numerous companies in the US waiting to buy out his research."

I got up from the table.

"Well, don't expect me to be here when testing starts," I said sternly.

"Oh, that reminds me. If you escape, we will deactivate the safety of the Nerve Gear leading to your death. So unless you have a death wish, don't leave the cage," Kotone threatened.

"You're bluffing right?"

"Did I ever lie to you when we were friends?"

"Who said we were friends right now."

Sword Art Online: Asuna and Kirito Switched ALO Roles (Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now