Chapter 21

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It had been over 5 months since Harry and I were together in Toronto. We spent a few nights together after that but he soon left LA to go back to the east coast to finish his next album. We only talked a few times since he left and every time he was rushed and only talked about our day or how the film was progressing. He never spoke about us or mentioned our time together and neither did I. Our lack of interaction was about to come to an end because today was the last day of editing and he would be home early tomorrow morning. To say I was nervous was an understatement.

I said my goodbyes to everyone at the house and made my way towards my car. "Hey lady! Where are you going?" Linz yelled at me as she ran out of the front door.

"Home." I replied laughing at her actions.

"Well we were going to decorate for the Harry's homecoming tomorrow. You don't want to stay and help?" she asked quizzically. I sighed as I looked for my keys in my over-sized purse.

"Umm... I would love to... but, I need to get some work done at the apartment." I replied dreadfully.

She looked straight through me and a smirk fell upon her face. "Okay I understand." she said. I smiled softly and turned towards my car to get in.

"Brittany, will you be here tomorrow for the wrap party though?" Linzey asked with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Mmm... I don't know, maybe." I replied matching her expression. I would love to go but I was more than nervous to see him. I just knew it would be too awkward; at least it would be on my end.

I sat down behind the wheel and she came closer and put her hands on top of my window preventing me from closing it. I looked up at her and she said, "You know you can't over think things with him. If you do, Brittany, you'll drive yourself insane. Just come by tomorrow afternoon and have fun. You've did an amazing job and you should be able to celebrate that fact. Don't let Harry keep you from celebrating your accomplishment."

I smiled softly at her and nodded. "I'll think about it" I said before closing my door and pulling out of the driveway.

My apartment was small but it was just the perfect size for me. As I closed the large door behind me, I dead bolted it shut. Even though it's been awhile since the break in at my old place I was still a little uneasy about staying by myself. I threw my purse and keys on the small table that sat beside the door. I looked around at my living room and thought about the work that needed to be done. The walls were bare - a pale peachy color that I didn't quite enjoy so much. I needed to paint as soon as I could. The kitchen was positioned in the back of the apartment just past the master and guest bedrooms. It was larger than average size and embraced by the dark due to many wide windows which had no curtains yet. The space and interior caught my attention immediately. The apartment screamed such abundance and neatness that I fell in love quickly.

I dragged my tired feet across the old wooden floor to my bedroom and laid down not bothering with taking off my clothes. My bed was like heaven, so soft and inviting. I closed my eyes almost instantly letting the darkness and need to rest overpower my senses. I had almost succumbed to sleep when I heard my phone ring. Rolling over, I grabbed it from the bedside table and answered it without looking at who was calling.

Putting the phone up to my ear, I hear a frantic Linzey on the other end. "Brittany you have to help me!" I have never heard her sound so upset and it was scaring me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I paced the length of my bedroom. "The caterers just delivered the food for the party tomorrow and the stuff that was supposed to be vegan is NOT vegan!" I could hear her hyperventilating.

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