Chapter 11 [Harry's POV]

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I knew I was making a mistake coming back to her room after she left. It was obvious she didn't want any part of my company tonight. But I couldn't stay away from her. I was drawn to her for some reason. She hardly says anything, but when she does speak, it's like she challenges me and she doesn't throw herself at me. I probably wouldn't know what to do if she did throw herself at me, actually yes I do know exactly what I would do. That's why I came to her room and that's why I'm kissing her. I couldn't stay away.

The other night I was shocked when she kissed me after we left the club. I tried to blow it off like it never happened, but I thought about it all of the time. I hated seeing her with Alex, he doesn't deserve someone like her. He can't give her the adventure and satisfaction I can. She deserves to be with me, I knew this, I tried to fight it for some time now, but I can't shake this feeling. I wasn't used to being confused by a woman, most of the time, they made it pretty obvious what they wanted, and more times than not, they got what they asked for.

I wanted to tell her how she made me feel, but I could never find the words. The only thing that I could ever come up with was, "Why are you like this?", which summed everything that I was feeling up perfectly, but it confused the shit out of her though. So, when she said it back to me last night, I was shocked. I watched her as she walked to her apartment, like nothing happened. What did she "mean" by it? That question repeated in my head for hours. My thoughts got so annoying, I made the decision to catch a red eye flight to Miami without telling her or anyone, except for one person, and I'm regretting that hasty decision more than ever right now.


Slamming the door behind me, I pulled her into my chest more, I couldn't get enough of her, it was like she couldn't get close enough to me. I wanted her so desperately. It's been a long while since I've wanted one person this bad.

She pushed on my chest to pull away from me. "Harry, we can't do this." she said. Of course we can, I thought to myself.

"Why not?" I asked. I needed to be with her, even if we don't have sex, just to be around her is good enough for me.

"I work for you. This.... can't happen." her words stung, but I wasn't giving up that easily. It wasn't in my nature.

"Do you want this to happen?" I asked. I waited on a reply from her, but she just remained silent as she paced back and forth in the terribly small room.

"I promise Brittany, if you don't want this to happen, I'll back off. But... If you do then..." I said. She finally stopped and sat on the edge of the bed. I walked over and sat down beside her and watched as she fought with herself internally.

Finally she looked at me, and shook her head. I have never been rejected before, I thought to myself. I unconsciously got up and started walking towards the door.

"Harry? Where are you going?" she asked. I turned around, she had a faint smile on her beautiful face, "You don't want..... You don't want me? I'm going back to my room. I'll see you tomorrow okay." I said.

I opened the door and started walking through the threshold when I heard her laughing hysterically. I felt anger throughout my entire body. How dare she laugh at me, who does she think she is? Stepping back into her room, I slammed the door behind me. "What is so damn funny?" I asked.

"You." she said. The room phone rang, she started to go answer it, but I beat her to it.

"WHAT!" I yelled into the phone. I was frustrated and I didn't want anymore interruptions. I quickly changed my demeanor when I heard a man that said he received another complaint from the guests next door. He said if our room got one more disturbance call, we were kicked out. I appeased the man, and hung up.

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