Chapter 3

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Looking up at the clock, it read 10 p.m. Everyone was filing out of the house, going their separate ways. The past couple of days had been gruesome. I worked a total of almost 50 hours in 3 days. I wished I could take that day back, where I innocently joked around with Harry and he couldn't take my joke, but I couldn't and I was definitely paying for it.

Harry hasn't spoken to me since the incident, he sends Jamie or Linzey to give me instructions on what he wants done. I was surprised I still had a job. I didn't think what I said and done was so bad because he had done the same to me just moments prior.

After saving my work I had been concentrating on all day, I cut off the computer and shut off all of the lights in the office before I made my way downstairs. Everyone was discussing among themselves where they wanted to go out tonight. I heard one of the girls ask Harry did he want to join them and he declined her offer.

After fetching my jacket from the coat rack by the front door, I made my way out of the house. No one invited me to go out, but that was fine with me because all I wanted to do was get in my bed and pass out. I had the day off tomorrow and I did not intend on leaving my bedroom for anything.

As I neared my car, I went to reach for my keys inside of my purse when I realized I had left it upstairs beside my computer. Turning around on my heels, I dreadfully made my way back towards the house. I let out a deep sigh before I pressed the doorbell.

"Yeah" he sounded frustrated as he peeked his head outside of the door. "Hey, I left my keys upstairs." I said. He didn't say anything, he just pushed the gate open. I brushed past him and made my way into the house, I didn't look back to see if he was following me or not. I quickly grabbed my keys and ran back down the stairs to see him sitting on the fireplace.

"Thanks" I said, before I turned to walk out of the door. He didn't look at me, he just kept his head down. I didn't expect him to say anything to me, so when I heard his voice it shocked me.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out tonight?" he asked timidly. To be honest, all I wanted to do was go home and go to sleep, but he hasn't talked to me in several days, so I really had no choice but to stay with him if I wanted work to be tension free. So I turned around to face the man sitting in the dark room and agreed to his proposal.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked. He rattled off some obvious ideas, watch a movie, go out to eat, but he finally decided that we'd stay in and order take out and just keep each other company, or more so keep him company, I just wanted to sleep.

I still really didn't know him, as a person, I knew him as a public figure, so the thought that he just wanted to hang out was odd to me, because I was basically just a stranger that worked for him. Why would he want to hang out with me? Why didn't he go with his friends tonight?  I thought to myself.

We sat outside by the pool while we talked and ate Chinese. The weather was beautiful tonight, it wasn't too warm nor too cold. He did most of the talking, mainly because I was afraid I'd say something that would take us back to where we were before. He told me more about what we were doing with this new company and all of the different projects he was involved in. I didn't realize how busy he was until he explained everything to me.

After we cleaned up, we made our way inside of the house. I sat down on the end of the couch and he left the room for a few moments and returned with his guitar.

"You don't mind if I play do you?" he asked as he picked at the strings. He sat on the opposite end of the couch from me. I shook my head and he proceeded to strum his guitar. Laying my head back on the couch, I watched him as he played and the feeling I felt inside shocked me. He looked so vulnerable, it was like he was by himself and he finally let his wall down, I was drawn to him. He sang a couple of songs I've never heard before, not stopping in between each one to see what I thought. He didn't care what I thought, he wasn't playing for me, he was playing for himself, I didn't care either way, his talent was amazing.

The dim light from the foyer shined softly on his face, just enough so I could see his stunning features. Unlike how he was during the day while we all worked, right now he seemed relaxed and content. As I listened to him strum the chords, I closed my eyes for a brief second and before I knew it I felt him nudging me.

"Brittany. Brittany. Wake up." he said as he poked my leg. I opened my eyes to see him standing over me with a soft smile on his face.

"Oh, Harry I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep." I apologized to him.

"It's okay, sometimes I tend to bore people when I play." he said chuckling to himself.

"Oh no! You weren't boring at all! I just haven't slept much in the past couple of days." I said as I slightly stretched. He had walked towards a small closet in the room and pulled out 2 throw blankets.

"You can sleep here if you'd like. You wouldn't have to make that drive." he said holding up the blankets to show me.

"I probably just need to go home. I'm sure you have a busy day tomorrow and it's my day off." I said to him, half way trying to convince myself to leave and not stay.

"Actually, I'm taking a day off tomorrow too. You can stay, I promise I'll be a perfect gentlemen. There are plenty of bedrooms to choose from that you can sleep comfortably in. You wouldn't have to sleep on the couch." he said to me like he was trying to convince me to buy something. He must be a great salesmen, because I didn't object in the end.

"Okay. It's just because I don't want to make that drive so late though." I said reminding him of why I agreed. He threw his hands up and that familiar smirk swept across his face.

"Go pick out any room you want, I'll be up in a minute, I'm going to lock up and cut off all of the lights." he said before I made my way upstairs.

I chose a room on the far end of the house, all of the rooms looked the same, so I just stuck with the first one I chose. Placing my purse inside of the door, I went to the bathroom to freshen up before bed.

I took off my bra and my shorts, all I had on was my tank top. I folded them up and placed them beside the nightstand. I pulled the comforter back and crawled in the bed. It was the most comfortable bed I had ever laid in, definitely more comfortable than my bed. It was like I was laying on air.

I must've fallen asleep quickly because the sun beaming through the windows woke me up. I looked at my cell phone to see what time it was and it read 11 am. I had a few text messages from Madi, but none out of the norm for her. She was the queen of drunk texting, so I just ignored them all. After laying my phone back on the table, I turned over and reached for another pillow but instead I grabbed a handful of dark hair.

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