Chapter 4

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I didn't even bother putting my bra on, I threw on my shorts and headed out of the bedroom. If I hadn't left my keys last night I wouldn't be in this awkward position that I am in right now. After grabbing my purse and keys, I rushed down the stairs  trying to get out of there as fast as I could.

Slamming the front door behind me, I finally felt like I could breathe again. I made my way to my car across the street and took my place behind the wheel. Lying back on the headrest, I sat there for a few minutes until I calmed down. I didn't know why I was so upset, I knew nothing had happened between us, it was just the fact that he hadn't had the courtesy to at least wake me up and tell me to get out of his bed or he could've slept somewhere else. I mean I really wouldn't mind sleeping in his bed again... I stopped myself from going down that road of thought and raised my head up to see him standing in front of my car with a throw blanket wrapped around his perfectly sculpted bare chest.

Letting out a loud scream, he ran over to my side of the car. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Are you serious? You can't just sneak up on people like that!" I yelled at him. I punched him on his arm as hard as I could, which after noticing a smile appear on his face I knew it wasn't hard enough.

"Okay I'm sorry for everything, scaring you and sleeping in the same bed as you. I nudged you last night to let you know but you were dead to the world. So... I just crawled in bed and fell asleep. It is MY BED after all." he explained with that evil grin plastered on his face.

He tried to wake me up? I thought to myself. Or he could be lying and trying to save his ass because he knew how mad I was, but as I looked into his eyes I couldn't help but to forgive him.

"Let me make it up to you, come inside and I'll cook you breakfast." he asked me. I wanted to go home, I needed to get away from here for at least one day, especially on my day off.

"Ehh, I don't know Harry, I probably should go home." He didn't like my answer, he kept on and on apologizing and saying how he needed to make it up to me, until finally I rolled up my window and angrily stepped out of the car locking it behind me leaving my keys in the ignition.

It dawned on me as soon as the door closed that my keys were still in my car. My other set was at the apartment, but my purse was stuck in my car with everything else and it had my cell phone in it. Could this day get any worse? Why did I act so mindless when it came to him, he made me forget everything and act like a fool.

I just leaned on the car and shut my eyes, I just wanted to go back to bed, in my OWN bed and sleep this day away.

"What's wrong?" he asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I refused to let myself get emotional in front of him so I pushed back the tears and told him what I had just done.

He acted like it wasn't a big problem at all, he explained that I could use his phone to call Madi and get her to bring my other set of keys over and while we waited on her, he would cook us breakfast. I had no other choice but to go along with his plan, so we both made our way back to the house.

I had called her back to back for 15 minutes straight and I wasn't getting an answer at all. I texted and didn't get not one reply back. I knew she was still asleep, she had to be.

"Having problems reaching someone?" he asked as he wisped the pancake mix. I shook my head in agreement with him. I was afraid to say anything in fear it would open the flood gates. Locking my keys in my car completely overshadowed the "bed incident" this morning. How could I be so careless? I wanted to blame him for it, because of how he made me act, but I couldn't for the reason he had no idea.

"Well after we finish eating I'll just take you home to get your spare set, but now we're having breakfast." he said placing my plate in front of me. I told him thanks and I kept dialing my roommate's number anyway.

His pancakes were amazing, who knew he could cook like this. "Harry, these are soooo good," I said with my mouth full. He just laughed at me and softly said thank you.

There was a brief moment of silence when his phone started ringing. I looked at it and I breathed out a sigh of relief when I seen it was Madi's number calling me back.

"Hey" I answered.

"Hey girl. What are you doing? Who's phone number is this?" she asked. I expected her to sound groggy, but surprisingly she sounded happy and upbeat.

I explained to her what happened and she said that she wasn't at home, she had a job interview today and she didn't know what time it would be over. I still hadn't told her who I was working for yet, because I hadn't had the chance to see her much since I had gotten the job, so she didn't know how badly I needed to get away from that house.

"Well since your boss said he'd take you home it all works out then. Sorry I'm in a hurry, I'll see you later then." she spatted off before telling me bye and disconnecting the call.

What she didn't know was it didn't work out, not at all. My spare set was in the apartment on the bookshelf and I didn't have a set of keys available to the apartment because the only ones I had were on my key chain stuck in my car and the other set was with her and she was not at home. I tried calling her back but I had no luck, but it was classic Madi to leave me hanging like this.

Setting the phone down on the table beside my plate, I looked over at Harry and seen him staring at me. It felt like the universe wanted me to stay at this house, so what was the point of fighting it any longer.

"Well I guess I'm stuck here today." I said dreadfully. I explained to him what my roommate said and he told me that everything would work out and be okay. I have spent so much time with him, either talking or not, that I didn't see him as an untouchable celebrity crush I used to have anymore, I seen him as a regular person, at least I thought I did, but the way I was acting proved otherwise.

"Well, I guess since I'm here for a little while, I should probably get some work done and stay out of your way." I said as I picked up our plates to go rinse them off in the sink.

"NO WAY! You aren't working today, even if you are here for a while today I'm not letting you work. I'm taking the day off and so are you." he demanded. He straightened up the kitchen, putting back all of his "secret" ingredients as I washed our dishes.

"How about we go for a hike? There's this trail I've been wanting to go up to in Runyon Canyon. Wanna go with me?" he asked sweetly. I didn't want to hike but what else would I do, sit and stair at the graffitied walls of his house?

Following him into the kitchen, we gathered some snacks and water for our hike. After Harry was satisfied with all of the items we were bringing, we locked up the house and made our way to his truck. I didn't want to be doing this, but I was, so I might as well go with it and try to have fun.

***I hope you're liking the story!! Please comment/like if you do!! xoxo***

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