Start from the beginning

She notices me with a very bright smile. Then I noticed one crutch leaning against the tan couch. Xandra's mother got up and now I see why she needs a crutch. She's missing a leg, and she needs that crutch to walk. Can't you get those robotic ones? Wait, those are really expensive, too. Maybe I'll get one for her one day when I make the money. I just feel so bad for her.

"Hi," I simply greet.

"Hello, Evanie. Please, call me Mrs. Ashveen," she introduces herself. That's an unusual last name, but I won't  judge.

"I just have a rule for you. Please, don't mention to anyone that you are staying here. Me and my husband could be arrested, and God knows what to my Xandriana."

That must be Xandra's real name. I look back and forth between the two after some thought, and then agreed. Xandra grabs my hand and shows me to another bedroom. The room was pretty plain with a dresser and a bed. There is a window peering out into the alleyway as well. That's nice, but I'll try my best not to go outside.

Interrupting my little detour, Xandra comes into the room, tapping me on the shoulder with one of her black tentacles. I turned around to see her with a sandwich on a small plate. I smile at how cute she is for bringing me food. Is this around lunch for them?

When she's about to close the door shut with one of her tentacles on the way out, I ask, "I know this is a random question, but are you guys nocturnal?"

She turns around seeming a bit confused with my choice of words.

"Nocturnal? What does that mean?" Her little voice asks me.

"Like, you guys are awake when it's dark out, but when the sun is out, you go to sleep."

"Oh, yes we do! Is that not what humans do?"

"It's the opposite."

She mouths "oh" and wishes me goodnight, knowing that this is definitely not my sleeping schedule. I eat the sandwich and think about my next move as I eat on the bed. Okay, so since there is a king of this city, there has to be a castle or some sort of palace, right? I should probably go ask where it is if they're comfortable.

After finishing my sandwich, I take the plate and head out to the kitchen to put it in the sink. Soon, I see the TV turn on having their, what is looks like, daily news on. I then hear my name from the TV. Spinning around, I watch and listen to the screen. The news reporter looked like a human, but yet again with tentacles. I swear these people are like slenderman. I know I've said that before, but I can't help myself with it.

The King has previously felt Evanie Clair's presence in the city. If you see her, please be sure to escort her to the palace immediately. Said the news reporter.

I could feel Mrs. Ashveen and Xandra's worried look expressions on me. At this point, I would be afraid, but I'm not. It doesn't bother me, this stuff never bothered me. Gotta admit, before I met my trainer, I used to steal from stores and grab foods to survive. People say I was naturally sneaky when really, I was just being cautious, which is somewhat related to being sneaky, I assume.

"Where's the palace?" I ask having a blank face, still facing the TV.

"It isn't really a palace," I hear Mrs. Ashveen correct, "It's the tallest building here. It's more of a penthouse if I want to put it in more descriptive words." 

She leads me to the window and points to a very tall building that's in a 3D oval at the top, with a point to finish the whole building. That's a can't miss because of how obvious it is. It's so big too. How the heck am I supposed to get in?

Sighing, I let everyone know that I'm going to bed. My version of tomorrow, is going to be an interesting day. Don't worry, Life, I got this in control, or so I hope.


It was my usual morning and everyone was asleep. I already left through the fire escape, leaving a note on the dresser, telling that I have to do a couple things when really, let's be honest here, I'm heading to that penthouse. Was in a bit in a rush, so I put on some black leggings, Nikes, and a white tank top.

I'm already jumping off roof to roof. Sure it may look frightening, but it does look scary. These slenderman people made these tall, city buildings into a very taller version of a skyscraper. I'm not even exaggerating.

I reached the second building closest to the Penthouse, and let me tell you it is much taller than I anticipated. The building is way taller than the ones I jumped off of. No wonder it's so easy to point out. 

After mesmerizing the glorious building, I jump down the nearest fire escape, and walk around the penthouse building. Being cautious, I see no sign of any security guards or knights in shining armor. I sighed of seeing that the coast is clear, and saw another enturance that comes from the back of the building. Quickly, with stealth, I enter the building and oh my goodness my eyes! It is so bright in here it's actually blinding me.

Then, out of nowhere, a rush of pain hits the back of my head, and I am soon knocked out cold.

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