The Fatal Rescue

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Kabuto was washing his cut in the sink in his kitchen. The cut did not stop bleeding and as of he knew he did not have any medical kit in his home. Luckily 3 blocks down from his home was a pharmacy. He wrapped his hand in a dish rag that hanged from the sink. He went to his front door and attempted to put on his shoes. He left the house right after locking it up.

Cursing under his breath he began to walk to the pharmacy a few ways down the street. Un be known to him that he was being watched by a brunette with purple face paint and a camera that was taking a few shots of him and his bleeding hand.

Kakashi put his camera back to his side and looked at kabuto's house. This was his time to go into action. He has his first suspect and hopefully he would be the culprit to his loves kidnapping. He made his way to the back window he checked to see if it was locked, which it was.


He looked around and noticed that the upstairs bathroom shower window was slightly open. He walked up the wall. The window was impossible for a man his size to get through maybe a baby could. Then an idea came to him. He as 8 of them and one of them happens to be smaller then a baby. He preformed his hand signs and preformed the summoning jutsu.

"ah Kakashi this is a form I haven't seen you in a while"

Pakkun was able to stand on the wall looking up at Kakashi face to face

"Pakkun I need you to go through here and unlock the back door for me, its right under the bathroom on the first floor"

"got it, just leave it to me"

Pakkun made his way down the stairs and found the back door connected to the living room. But as he was passing the living room, he smelled blood on the floor he noticed some drops of blood leading to a door. He took note of this and proceed to unlock the back door. Kakashi slid it open and walked in.

"thank you Pakkun I could use your help in finding (y/n)"

"Kakashi there is a trail of blood leading to that door over there"

Kakashi noticed the trail and nodded his head he pulled out his camera and took a picture of the trail. He put Pakkun on his shoulder. Even at his age Pakkun nose was still as incredible as when he was younger.

he opened the door and closed it behind him. He began to walk down the steps, he used a lighter to search for a light switch instead he found a lightbulb with a string he pulled on it. It illuminated the room.

He looked back at the floor to look at the blood trail, it led to a wall. He looked at the wall and at the bottom of it he saw that the blood drop was smeared. He knew something slid against the drop he knew it was a secret door. He began to observe the rest of the wall. He noticed that the wall had a loose brick.

Pakkun spoke up

" Kakashi this brick smells has a strong sent to it then the other bricks"

Kakashi nodded. He pressed the brick and it a 'thunk' sound echoed in the room. The wall moved back slightly then slid to the side and made the same 'thunk' sound. He patted Pakkun head

"good work Pakkun. I can handle the rest from here."

"be safe Kakashi"

And with that Pakkun puffed into smoke from Kakashi shoulder, once the smoke cleared Kakashi determined face was revealed.

"I'm coming (y/n)"

He darted into the darkness, he ran until he saw a small glimmer of light peeking through the bottom and side of a door. He made a hand sign a puff appeared to the left of him he gestured with his head to the darkness. He finally slightly pushed the door.

(pov change)

(y/n) herd footsteps coming from the other side of the door, she was scared. She hoped it wasn't more men coming to punish her. The footsteps stopped at the door. She held her breath. The door slowly opened, and fear was started to creep up her spine. The door fully opened and revealed a brunette man.

(y/n) was scared she didn't know this man

The man yelled


The brunet ran to here, with fear in her she kicked him in the face when he got close.

"get away from me!"

The brunette held his nose hoping it wasn't bleeding.

" (y/n) its me .. Kakashi."

(y/n) widen her eyes


Tears flooded her eyes. She tried to reach for him but the restraints were still on her , Kakashi noticed this and winced when he saw the deep cut in her wrists. He did a hand sign and grabbed the restraints lighting pierced right through the chain. He didn't get the cuff off but at least she was free to move. Which the first thing she did was leap into his arms.

They held each other until a third voice interrupted them

"what a happy reunion"

Kabuto began to clap winced a little when he clapped to hard with his bandaged covered hand. Kakashi held (y/n) tightly" kabuto began to spoke again.

" too bad you are about to depart from this world... Kakashi"

Kabuto ran yelling with a kunai in hand towards Kakashi. (y/n) screamed. She leaped in front of him

"Kakashi NO!"

a splash of blood landed on Kakashi face he pulled (y/n) away her eyes were widened. In front of her stood kabuto with shock on his face he looked down and saw a hand pierced through his chest he slightly turned his head to see a clone of Kakashi which he made before coming into the room piercing his heart


the light in Kabuto's eyes faded

the room went dead quiet, (y/n) was in shock from what she witnessed. Kakashi picked her up bridal style.

"lets get you home and get cleaned up"

He then began to walk out the room with (y/n) silently crying in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, in reply she looked up at him a smiled gently. Her eyes gently began to close she felt tired, oh so tired. She felt warm and safe, so she fell asleep. Hoping that this was nothing but a dream. That she we will wake up from this nightmare. But the warmth felt so real, she knew that this wasn't a dream and she knew she was going to be okay, After all she has Kakashi now.

[{(a/n) sorry for the delay in writing this, I have no excuse I am just lazy. }]

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