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Chapter 12

(y/n) woke up with a slight pounding in her head, she didn't know where she was all she saw was a slightly lit room and the smell of mold. She felt her wrists tied to the bed. The last thing she remembered was helping kabuto read a paragraph and then it went dark. She had goosebumps from the cold bed she was lying on. There were no windows not even the slightest light. Her eyes started to adjust to the room, and she had a better look of the room. It was just concrete walls, floor and ceiling. She heard shuffling from the metal door on the wall across from the bed. She spoke out in effort to get a better understanding why she was there.

"Hello, is someone there?"

The door unhinged and the door began to open which revealed 3 men they all walked in one was holding a camcorder. (y/n) confusion began to fade and in crept the feeling of fear. The started screaming for help but a man put a mussel on her mouth. One of the men looked at the culprit.

"it's recording let us start"

The men walked towards her unbuckling their belts and dropping their pants. (y/n) began to cry in fear and she shut her eyes so hard she felt her cheeks tinged with pain.


The men hit stop on the recorder. Then the men put their close back on. They left the room and the room was filled with the echo of the door locking. And on the bed laying with her legs apart and chaffed wrist, her face which had tear stained streaks down her pained cheeks. Was (y/n) hips hurting and bruises all over her. She tried her best to fall asleep so her mind would be anywhere else but there.

(time skip)

When Kakashi Reached home to change into his disguise, he stopped at his house gate. He spotted a package at his door. He walked through and picked it up. When he unwrapped, it he noticed it was a VHS he looked at more closely and noticed the words that addressed to him. He felt a bad vibe. He went to his small tv and press the eject button on the machine which reveled a copy of the icha icha movie he usually watched every night so he could fall asleep.

He then inserted the video which was in his other hand. He pressed play which made his heart dropped when he saw his love in distress and her cries of help ringed in his ears. He saw red and only that. Eventually with some time the clip finally ended and so did his tears. The look of anger was clearly on his face.

He touched the screen where he last saw (y/n)

"(y/n) don't worry, I'm coming to get you"

He stood up and walked to his room and slammed the door.

(POV change)

Kabuto finally reached home and made himself a sandwich and a second one as well. He put the extra one on a tray along with a glass of water. he walked to his basement and went to the secret entrance.

He eventually reached the room where laid his precious captive. He opened the door and was spotted his love laying there sleeping. He walked over to her and put the tray down on the night stand next to the bed. He rubbed her cheek with his thumb she began to open her eyes and she looked at him.

"Ah Kabuto im so glad you're here, please help me get out of here."

She began to smile until she noticed the look in his eyes. It was amusement. She stared at him.

"It was you..."

"So, you finally caught on"

Her voice cracked

"Why would you do this? You were Anto's best friend."

"Yes I was, which made it really hard to kill him"


She was confused.

"I killed your husband (y/n). when we were at war I stabbed his back"

"Why Kabuto, you were like family. We loved you"

"And I loved you (y/n)! But it seemed Anto was interfering with us so I just had to get him out of the picture."

(Y/n) began to cry, she was so tired of crying, she was now angry. Kabuto went down to kiss her forehead and she took this chance and headbutted him.

"you bitch!"

He smacked her, he then took the food tray and threw it against the wall. Glass shattered everywhere. He cut his hand when he tried to pick up some pieces.


He grabbed his hand and walked out the room but this time the door didn't fully close. He left a trail of blood from the room to his upstairs bathroom. (y/n) just smiled.

"Karmas a bitch"

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