Take a hike

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Take a hike

As they left the resort they began to walk down the busy street market (y/n) couldn't help herself to look at cute nick knacks and unique clothing. She wanted to try some of the food even though she just ate breakfast. She knew she couldn't because she would probably throw it all up on the hike.

Kakashi was beginning to notice that his girlfriend was browsing the stands and probably wanted to shop. He wanted to make sure they were on schedule and they did leave a little early so maybe it wouldn't hurt to let her have her moment.

"Did you want to buy some things?" he asked gently

" can we! Oh i really want to go into that shop right there!" she pointed excitedly at a bookstore that was much larger than the one she owned.

Kakashi smiled under his mask and began to slip his fingers into hers to hold her hand.

" even on vacation you want to read" he shakes his head " let's go"

He begins to lead her down the street towards the bookstore, they enter but there was no bell like the one that (y/n) owned, Kakashi didn't like. He actually preferred her bookstore over the massive one that they were in. He glanced down at her, she looked back up at him and with her shiny big eyes she looked at Kakashi for permission to go look around. And without the exchanging of words Kakashi nodded and (y/n) ran to the aisle that was labeled romance.

Kakashi felt accomplished, this trip was doing exactly what he intended it to do . To make the love of his life happy. He wanted nothing but happiness for the woman who has suffered a lot. He began to walk with no particular direction; he wasn't not planning on getting any more books. He eventually found his way into the same aisle as (y/n). He watched her as she glanced at each back cover and read the summary. She was so memorizing. That far away look on her face as she read.

She put the book back in its slot and dragged her finger across the spines of the books until she settled on one with a title that caught her attention. She pulled the book from the top of it and flipped it towards the back where the summary of the novel resides. She began to read to herself but her lips still mouthed the words she read. She began to smile as she read. Kakashi was so madly in love with this woman he thought. He walked towards her.

"Did you find something you want to buy?"

"Yes actually, this one is about the love story of a young school girl who fell in love with a cool guy who ends up being a romance manga writer that she is a fan of."

"Seems interesting," Kakashi smiled seeing how intrigued she was of the novel.

"Are you going to buy it?"

"Yeah I think I am, I hope it ends well, and she confesses her feelings and he returns them!"

"That would only seem fair, it is a romance novel after all" he closed his eyes and smiled at her.

He grabbed her hand and led her to the register. She was pulling out her wallet but before she could Kakashi already pulled out his cash and paid for her book.

"Hey i was gonna pay for that" she said as she pouted.

Kakashi pinched her cheek lightly and then grabbed her hand and with the other he grabbed the bag with the book in it.

"Come on , we should continue walking to the hiking location."

"Oh okay"

she walked with him hand in hand as they proceeded out the store.

They eventually reached the beginning of the mountain where the hike was to begin.(y/n) looking terrified at it fearing her trip to the top. As if Kakashi was a minder reader he told her,

"Don't worry, were not going to the top"

(y/n) released a sigh of relief.

"Well then shall we begin?"

They started up the trail there was twist and turns and logs to go over. (y/n) wasn't sure if there was even a trail. But it seemed that Kakashi knew where they were going so she didn't feel lost at all.

As (y/n) was climbing over another log she felt her foot lift off the ground, she realized she was falling backwards. She held her eyes shut prepared to feel the hard earth connect to her head. But the landing was softer than what she expected. She slowly opened her eyes and realized she was laying on Kakashi's stomach. She immediately jumped off of him.

"Kakashi honey, I'm so sorry!" she reached out her hand to give him help to lift himself up.

"It's ok babe, I'm ,fin~ ahhhh" Kakashi yelled.

Kakashi fell back onto his butt grabbed his ankle which was beginning to swell.

" your ankle! you sprained it!" she quickly went to he side to assess the damage, she slowly felt guilt and started to blame herself for his injury.

"If you are thinking this is your fault its not."

Her eyes widened.

" how did you.."

"The expression on your face says everything"

he gently lifted himself up balancing himself with his other leg. (y/n) moved herself under his arm on the side where the sprained ankle resigned. She wanted to help him as much as she could.

" well its hard to tell what expression you have when your always wearing that mask."

Kakashi looked around and noticed no one was in the area. He did rent out the entire trail so that was to be expected. He brought down his mask and gave (y/n) and earnest smile.

"(y/n) my love, I'm fine."

She blushed madly.

" should we turn back ?" she began to try and turn Kakashi , but he withstand her pull"

"NO!" Kakashi spoke loudly, startling (y/n).

" ehhhmm we have to get to the top no matter what, even if i have to cut off my leg."

"Oh don't be so dramatic Kakashi '' she laughed already beginning to move them up the trail.

They eventually reached the top of the mountain and (y/n) let Kakashi rest against a tree . there laying on the ground was a fancy picnic that two racoons were enjoying.

Kakashi was in utter shock, he didn't take into consideration that the wildlife would eat their meal

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Kakashi was in utter shock, he didn't take into consideration that the wildlife would eat their meal. He felt extremely dumb for forgetting something so simple.

" my...surprise ...it's ruined.." he fell to his knees not caring of the pain in his ankle.

"Well i will say it was a surprise"

She pity laughed for Kakashi. The food did look delicious , well what was left of it. But then she noticed something in the bushes where the raccoons ran off into. She went and pulled out a bottle of champagne.

"Well this is still here"

" that was supposed to be after the meal and the second surprise."

" second surprise?" she tilted her head in confusion.

Kakashi tried to bring himself to stand but only managed to get on one knee.

" yeah this one." Kakashi pulled out a beautiful diamond ring out of his chest pocket.

" (y/n) will you be my forever and always... Will you marry me?"

Turning A New Page In LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ