Unexpected Youth

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(A/N this story will be mostly 3rd person, PLEASE give feedback in the comments. and if there are any misspellings please let me know. )

Edited by Hoekage88_Hatake   

Chp 1

Not a single cloud was over the Kohana leaf village and somehow there was a nice cool breeze that swayed the trees, grass, flowers and a tall man's white and silver hair. Kakashi Hatake was on his first week of being retired from the seat of Hokage. He thought to himself that this was going to be the best week of his life realizing his responsibilities of the village has dwindled to very little. Currently, he was taking an afternoon stroll to visit his friend Might Guy at the rehabilitation center. As he arrived he reaches his friend's suite. As he was going for the door slide he heard laughing of a female within his friends' room. Kakashi proceeded to walk in to find a nice pretty nurse sitting on his friend's lap. The nurse jumps off his lap, guy moves his wheelchair to his friend to greet him.

"Ah Kakashi my rival, I wasn't expecting for you to be here till the evening!"

Guy holds onto his lady friend as he and her both blush.

Kakashi was a bit taken back, he wasn't expecting Guy to have a woman flirt so openly... so youthfully.

"well I woke up a little early today, I thought I'd spend more time with my friend, but it seems he has someone else to keep him busy"

Kakashi walks over to the seat next to Guy and his lady friend and takes a seat.

"yes well... Kakashi this is Aishi my ((*clears throat*)) girlfriend"

Guy And Aishi both turn beat red causing Aishi to giggle causing Guy to smile so wide. Grabbing his woman by the hip to make her fall back on to his lap he rubs noses with her and looks back to Kakashi.

"Kakashi isn't she the very thing of what youth is all about!"

Guy continues to bathe Aishi with love.

"Well I am very happy for you Guy...how did this happen?"

Kakashi with curiosity prepares to hear his friend's story by crossing his legs and setting his elbow on his knee while resting his masked covered chin on his hand.

Aishi speaks up,

"Well, I was assigned to work with Guy on his regimen when I saw his unwavering heart continue to give it his all. I couldn't help but to fall in love with him. I have never seen a man with such devotion and ... well... so much youth!"

Her voice sounded like honey. Kakashi looked at Aishi and took in her features. She was, in fact, a very beautiful short woman with long brown hair which was braided. She had pink lips and a very light sun kiss tan. Kakashi was very happy for his friend.

"Guy I am very happy for you. well, I am happy for you both. Please Aishi, take good care of my friend"

Kakashi gets up from his seat and walks toward the door.

"Kakashi! leaving so soon?"

Guy speaks up with furrowed brows that almost made his two huge eyebrows into one. Kakashi looks back at his friend.

"I'll be back later this evening like I said I would be. I'll give you guys some privacy."

Kakashi smiles but only having his two eyes closed and his mask which rises a little from his smile. Both Guy and Aishi knew what expression he was doing. Kakashi exits the room and closed the sliding door behind him. He then hears his friend and his lady proceeded to giggle and made muffled sounds. Kakashi continues to walk away while he reaches for one of his back pockets for his favorite book which was part of the Icha Icha series. He begins to think to himself as he opens to the recent page he left off on.

{Well Guy, it seems you won this round}

He reached the outside of the center and continued to read his novel for the 1000th time. He decided that he needs a new change in his life. As much as he loved walking around the village and getting praised by the people of the village, he was starting to get... well ...bored.

"I need something exciting in my life"

Kakashi looked up from his book and directed his attention toward the sky. His hand lightly squeezed the book.

"But What?"

What can a man who has had almost every venture and has done almost everything already by the age of 46 do? He continued to walk towards a nearby park he still had around 3 hours before he goes back to visit his friend. At this point, he wasn't even reading just looking at the same sentence which he had read around 7 times already that minute. He decides to close his book. And he looks at the cover. He continues to stare at the cover for ten more minutes. then an idea came to mind.

"A new book!"

He rose a little too eagerly earning some looks from some bystanders who just smiled and waved. Kakashi waved back. He started to move with determination toward the shopping district. He hasn't felt this excited since he slept in the day after his retirement.

Turning A New Page In LifeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum