The Truth

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Chapter 9

The wedding began, Kakashi stood next to his best friend as his best man and (y/n) stood in the front row with rock lee. As the couple read their vows of how they were happy to spend the rest of their lives together. Kakashi couldn't help but look at (y/n). He felt the exact same way, he wanted to see her every morning and be with every night. Kakashi was afraid of these feeling but at the same time he wanted to overcome them just, so he can be with (y/n).

""I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride""

After an almost too passionate of a kiss Aishi sat on Guy's lap and rolled back down the aisle with her arms wrapped around him. They were really in love. Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little jealous. He went to (y/n) and reached his hand out for her to grab, which she did.

"thank you for bringing me here Kakashi I really had a great time."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself would you want to accompany me to the dinner party"

"yes, that would be great, I am getting hungry"

Kakashi walked with (y/n) as she discussed what was amazing about his friend's wedding. He looked at with her with so much love. He finally met a girl that made his heart float. He watched as she describes the arch at the alter but she was waving her arms around trying to describe it and what she liked about it. She seemed so happy and Kakashi wanted her to stay like that forever.

She noticed him staring and she turned away and blushed. She looked back at him and began to speak.

"So we are a couple now. This is exciting."

She turned the tables because it was Kakashi's turn to blush.

"I guess so... (y/n) if I'm honest, you are my first girlfriend, so I really do not know what to do. All I know is I want to be by your side for whatever it is."

(y/n) was a little in shock. How can a sexy beast such as Kakashi the 6th Hokage never had a girlfriend... could he be a virgin? But that didn't matter to her she was very happy that she could be his first, and maybe even be his last.

"Kakashi I really like you. Your different from Anto. I love my late husband, but his dreams were bigger then me at times. But when I'm with you ... I feel like I'm much more than a dream."

Kakashi was taken aback for a moment. But to him (y/n) was his dream. To have her by his side. He thought to himself that he would have to tell her that someday but for now he just wanted to hold her. He pulled her into his arms and rested his chin on her heard.

"(y/n) you more then you know."

(y/n) hugged him back. She missed this feeling of love and was starting to feel she was never going to feel it ever again. She was glad she was wrong. The stopped hugging and went back to holding hand and proceeded to walk to the dinner party. Everyone was there. As they walked to their table (y/n) couldn't help but fee as she was being stared at. But her feeling was right, she looked around to see that people quickly turned their head as she made eye contact.

"(y/n) don't worry, I think everyone is surprised I'm with a woman"

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head of embarrassment. But he was glad that people were staring now they will all know that she is his. He reached out and grabbed her hand and rubbed her knuckles. She smiled back at him.


How can she be with him, I have been with her since day one? She belongs to me. She is not happy she just needs to be reminded of how happy we can be together. I didn't kill Anto just so she could end up with another man.


Kabuto was fighting along side his 'best friend' Anto. they were separated from the rest of their squad and fighting another mindless enemy. after they defeated the enemy they took a break and try to regain their breaths. Anto spoke up.

"ahh Kabuto I couldn't have done it without you"

"haha yeah I know you couldn't"

Kabuto went over to Anto and sat next to him

"what do you think your wife (y/n) is doing at home?"

"huh? (y/n), I don't know probably taking care of the bookshop."

"do you think she will miss you if you were to die here in war"

"I'm sure she would. But (y/n) is strong I'm sure she can overcome it if it did happen."

"yeah I think so too, it makes it easier to do this."

Kabuto took his kunai and rapidly slit Anto's throat. He looked at Kabuto with shock but couldn't spew out words out of his mouth because it was already spewing blood. His eyes slowly closed, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"don't worry Anto she will be happy with me."

*End Flashback*

Kabuto made an excuse that he couldn't work the shop because of some problems. Little did (y/n) know that Kakashi was his little problem. He had to think of an idea to get Kakashi away from (y/n). He was spying on them, he couldn't do anything at the wedding because of all the jonins there. But if there was one thing Kabuto had it was patience.

He was always by her side since the day he came back from the war, he was even the one to break the news about Anto. even if he was the one who killed him. He did everything for (y/n). but one night 4 years ago Kabuto was thirsty for (y/n) body. And he just had to take it for one night, even if she didn't remember. Lucky for him he made sure to record it, so he wouldn't have these urges again. He could just watch it.

Maybe it was time to use it against her.

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