Showers of the mind

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edited by Hoekage88_Hatake 

Chapter 3

After Kakashi visited his friend Guy he walked toward home. He was holding his new book in his hand. He started to read the poetry that was written inside of it.

"This is refreshing."

Getting a new book was exactly what he needed. But he couldn't shake off his encounter with the (h/c) hair girl. (y/n) was kind, he could tell by her smile and her laugh that she was a sincere person. But he couldn't say much about her. Only that she was very interesting to Kakashi. He was going to get to know her more this Sunday which was only two days away.

Eventually after some time Kakashi reached his house. He stepped inside and sat down at the entrance which he then began to remove his foot wear. With a clank his shoes hit the ground each one at a time. Eventually he reached his room and began to get undressed as he walked into his bathroom he removed his mask. He turned on his shower.

As steam began to seep out of the shower and filled the entire bathroom which fogged up the mirror, Kakashi then walks in and begins to wash himself.

As steam began to seep out of the shower and filled the entire bathroom which fogged up the mirror, Kakashi then walks in and begins to wash himself

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(^ep 469)

His muscle toned body still in tip top shape for his age. He rinses his hair, then his mind was hit with a poem that was in the new book he was reading.

"Like water she flows through my mind seeping into every corner.

Like fire she burns brighter than any flame.

Like earth she stands unwavering in my heart.

Like wind she is all around me.

Like lighting she waits to send a wave of electricity through my body.

She is never gone.

For she is always there."

As he spoke those words, the image of (y/n) came to mind. Why did he keep thinking of her when they just met that day? Kakashi blushed madly as he realized he is acting like a child with his first crush. Then it hit him, he had a crush on (y/n). at first, he only invited her out because she interested him. But Kakashi couldn't lie to himself.

He wanted to make her laugh and make her smile. This was a new feeling for Kakashi. Even with Hanare he didn't feel like this. Hanare was very pretty but for Kakashi he could only feel guilt for what happed to her. She was in the past, and last he heard she was now married and had a child.

Kakashi finally finished his shower and reached his bed still a little wet he laid down putting his arm across his forehead.

"Just two more days"

\{^o^}/ time skip

It was finally Sunday and (y/n) was just finished cleaning her house. She looked at the clock on the wall and noticed it was 3:00 she had plenty of time to get ready. She began to take off her dirty dusty close and started the shower waiting for it to become hot. While she waited she walked to the mirror and stared at her face. The glass began to fog up.


"Anto wait up"

The (h/c) girl sprinted after her husband

"You forgot your bento"

(y/n) handed the lunch box to her husband, Anto was heading towards the gate it seemed almost all the ninjas were gathering at the entrance to start heading for the battlefield.

"(y/n) thanks.... If anything happens to me. Please take care of my father's bookstore."

(y/n) looked at Anto with a smile and kissed his cheeks

"When you come home, there will be a warm dinner waiting for you"

The young woman wanted to cry right there in front of her husband begging for him not to go. But she had knew better. She waved him goodbye along will all the other family and friends saying goodbye to their love ones.

Then the day came where the village received word that they had won, and they were coming home. So, the young (y/n) began to cook a feast for her husbands return. She waited and waited. She waited so long that the candle on the table Finlay melted at its base and went out.


As (y/n) regained focus, she walked into the shower it was refreshing having the hot almost boiling water warm up her skin, giving her goosebumps on the cold parts of her body. She let the water run through her (h/l) hair for a few minutes.

"Anto I am sorry, but I know you would want me to be happy"

The cleansed body that is (y/n) walked out of the shower and went to her bedroom. She proceeded to dry off her hair and body. She felt a little special that day and decided to put on some lotion as well. She walked over to her closet. She moved her fingers between the hangers looking for the outfit that would be her best choice. She decided to settle with a nice white top and jean skirt. she went to her makeup drawer and did her makeup until she was satisfied with the way she looked.

  she went to her makeup drawer and did her makeup until she was satisfied with the way she looked

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(y/n) didn't go out very much since she always had to work at the book store. Luckily for her, she hired a new employee and he will start next week. Meaning (y/n) will have more time for herself or even for someone else.

Eventually it was time to leave. The beautiful woman grabbed her bag and sat at the entrance as she began to tie her shoes. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror that hanged on the inside of her coat closet.

"try not to fuck up (y/n)"

She slapped both her cheeks at the same time and looked in the mirror and smiled, she walked out the door.

She began to walk to the park near the center of town. So many thoughts ran through her mind;

{((wash she ready? Is it too early? Will he even like me? What if he is a perv!))}

She shook her head, she already knew he was a perv, but she was no better either. She smiled.

"I will be fine.... I hope"

She reached the park and she found the silver haired man sitting at a bench reading the poetry book that he bought from her store.

"this is it. let's do this"

She raised her hand in the air and waved greatly shouting


A/N hey guys if you enjoy the story don't forget to vote if you like it.

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