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(N/n) = Neko name

(Y/n) = Your name

For _Yugi-Tsukasa_, hope this is what you wanted.

-(N/n)'s Pov-

"(Y/n)?" I called out, but no one responded. 

This was the worst. I was abandoned in a box out on the streets, and it was snowing hard, way too cold for my liking. 

As I shivered and called out for my owner, I couldn't help but let tears fall from my eyes. 

Did (Y/n) not want me anymore?  What did I do to anger him? 

I couldn't remember. 

"(Y-y/n).. W-where are you..?" 

I was sobbing, using the back of my hand to try and wipe away the tears. 

(Y/n) wouldn't like it if I was a weak crybaby, but I was so scared. 


I ducked into the box and wrapped my tail around my arm, trying to keep warm. 

"Hey... (N/n)..." 

My head whipped up, looking for the source of the sound, but I couldn't see the person I was looking for through the thick snow. 

"(N/n), wake up." 

I jolted awake, sitting straight up and looking around. 

Instead of seeing snow, I saw the familiar patterns on the wall of (Y/n)'s room, and I saw my owner looking at me with tired and concerned (seme eye colour) orbs. 

"(N/n), are you having  nightmare? You're shaking and sweating in your sleep," he stated with a concerned tone. 

I made (Y/n) worry... 

"S-sowry.. I-I didn't mean to wake you up.." I mumbled in response, feeling both guilty and relived. 

Thank goodness that was just a dream. My owner wouldn't abandon me. 

"Can you tell me about it?" (Y/n) asked, putting a hand on my head and gently caressing my ears. 

Almost instantly I let out a satisfied purr, melting into (Y/n)'s warm touch. 

"W-well, um.. In my d-dream, I was in a b-box, alone on the street. A-and it was snowing.." I said, thinking back to the dream, still shaking a little. 

"I-it was cold and scary.." 

My breathing was becoming jagged thinking about how one day, my owner might just abandon me. Just the thought was enough to make him shiver in fear. 

"(Y-y/n) won't leave me... Right?" I cried out, feeling warm liquids running down my face. 

I began to frantically wipe them away, as if if I cried anymore, my owner really wouldn't want me. 

"No, of course I won't. You're too special for me to leave behind," (Y/n)'s calming voice stated, and he pulled me into a nice warm hug. 

I immediately purred and buried my head into my owner's wide and comfy chest, as if it would shield me from all the negative thoughts. 

"I wouldn't give you up for anything in the world, (N/n)." 

Hearing that made me more relaxed, as I nodded my head and swayed my tail. 

I really do love (Y/n)... 

"It'll be alright, (N/n). I'm here for you.." (Y/n) hummed, like a lullaby to my ears. 

I began to feel drowsy in my owner's arms, as he tenderly stroked my ears. 

"Go back to bed, I'll be here for you." 

I nodded, feeling my eyelids unable to hold up anymore. 

As I fell back asleep, I couldn't help but think of (Y/n).

-(Y/n)'s Pov-

"Just like a child," I whispered as I saw the neko's breathing even out and his tail gently droop down. 

I let out a quiet sigh and looked at the clock. 

Way too early for my liking, but it was worth it if my precious pet had a nightmare. 

I pulled the covers back over us and re-positioned us both until we were in a comfortable position. 

"Good night, (N/n).. Have a good dream." 

I heard a happy purr before I fell back into slumber.

(Sorry if it's a bit short)

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