Chapter 3: Moving in

Start from the beginning

Delilah: What did you say to me? 

Zack: Watch it Ass hat.

(*Delilah ball her fist and was about to punch Zack but Lily step in and got punch*)

Delilah: LILY!

Zack: Wow, is that how you treat your girl? *scoffs*

Delilah: FUCK OFF *I growl*

Zack: Or what she-male

(Delilah's VO): Or this. 

*Delilah punch him and kick him to the ground*

Principal James: You, Delilah my office now!

(Delilah walks to the the Office, meanwhile Zack carries Lily to the nurse, He place a note in Lily hand hopefully she reads it when she wakes, Zack heads to the gym to practice Football)

(Lily wakes up, Nurse give her a paper towel to clean her nose, and place a band-aid on it)

Nurse Flores: Lily, this is for you. A boy left this in your hand.  *Hand her the note*

*Lily takes the note and opens it*

The notes says: 

                                     Lily,           I'm so sorry, But Delilah is not for you, did you know her mom and your mom had history? But got pregnant with you two and her mom disappeared. But i'm not saying get back with me, i'm dating Tessa. But be sure Delilah doesn't leave you. ~Zack

*Lily rips the note and throw it away*

Nurse Flores: Will you be ok to go to class hon?

Lily: Yes ma'am

Nurse Flores: Okay if you feel dizzy or light-headed come back, because your nose pain can cause a concussion.

Lily: Okay. *nods*

*Lily walks to class, and everyone applaud*

*distant whispers saying ''She got punch by a dyke to protect her boyfriend''

*Lily sat in her seat but Delilah wasn't there*

Ms. Simmons: Liliana, i'll catch you up after school. 

Lily: Yes ma'am

(In the Principal's office)

Principal James: Do you know what you did, you could of hurt our star player, you may be new and there's pick on here and there but fighting is not the answer, so this is your warning but your not off the hook, you have safe for a week. 

Delilah: Yes sir, Sorry sir.

Principal James: Okay, your free to go.

(*Delilah walks to class and everyone stares and gets scare*) 

Ms. Simmons: Delilah Stay after school please

Classmate #1: Freak

Classmate #2: Dyke

Tessa: Why you do it? 

Delilah: *Scoffs* shut up please

*After school*

*Lily Stays after school so does Delilah*

Ms. Simmons: You two okay?

Lily: *nods*

Delilah: Yeah why?

Ms. Simmons: I heard what happen today, before school started. And I didn't think you was that type of kid Delilah. And Lily, getting punch, Lily seems like you still cared for Zack. Or your protecting Delilah, and that's ok, but fighting will not be tolerated in this school. 

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