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"No, what did I do?" Danny said just above a whisper because he hasn't used his voice in so long. He lands on the ground and just stares at the creator in horror. A green swirling portal then open to his left he walks over to it.

The portal took him to a place in the Ghost Zone that he did not recognize. He floats over to a small chunk of floating land. He lands and falls to his knees as everything hits him at once. He can finally grieve. In that hell hole he never got the chance. It was always one experiment after the other. He was always occupied with surviving the day. But now he can grieve. He screams and screams. His wail seeps into the scream but he keeps going till he can't scream anymore.

Ember POV

-minutes before-

"Ugh I am so bored. There is nothing to do. I would go to bother Dipstick but he went off the grid after the explosion. Rumors were going around that he is fully dead or that he moved on. Others say that he was captured and some say that he is in the shadows plotting his revenge on who killed his family. But I know that it is not that last one. The kid is too sweet to ever hurt anyone." then she thinks "well anyone that is not trying to hurt the innocent then he will fight and try to kick their butt. He really is too good for this world." She smiles to herself thinking of the times that her and Danny went at it. Then she hears a scream. This starts her as she was deep in thought "What was that! Who is making so much noise!" She flies over to the source of the sound just as it stopped. She takes a closer look and sees that it is a kid. 'Could it be' she flies closer 'oh my god Danny' she flies over.

Third Person POV

"Hey baby pop," Ember calls out.

Danny looks over at her and she sees that his eyes aren't the same. They no longer hold the joy and curiosity that they used to have. She also gets a closer look at his body and sees that his suit is torn and he is bleeding.

Danny wipes the tears away. "What do you want Ember?" Danny said coldly.

"Danny what happened? Where have you been?" She asks with concern.

Danny looks at her and is about to start to cry all over again.

"Oh Danny, come with me to my lair." She helps him up and takes him to her lair. They sit down on a couch.

"Baby pop what happened?" she asked with concern.

"There gone" he mumbled.

Ember looks at him and prays to clockwork that she is wrong. "Who is gone?"

"Everyone, they're all gone. I have no one, they are all dead." Danny said looking down with tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Oh Danny" she hugs him. "What happened?"

"The GIW ca-came to my house and blew it up. Then my friends tried *sniffle* they tried to help me and they shot them. Then they t-took me and exp-experimented on me." He said the last part barely above a whisper.

"Oh Danny I am so sorry." Ember then hugs him and Danny cries on her. "It's ok everything is going to be alright you are safe now." Danny cried himself to sleep.

Danny POV

-Danny has spent a few days with Ember-

"So Danny how come you haven't changed back." (Danny is still in his ghost form)

"Oh well I guys I have just been so used to being in my ghost form that I forgot." Danny said but she could tell that there was more.

"Danny, I know there is more to it," she said.

"I am scared. Scared to find out that I am fully dead. I don't know if my human half survived while I was there. I am scared of knowing."

"Oh baby pop everything is going to be alright. And so what if you are full ghost now it just makes you one of us." Danny smiles at this. "You know that I already accept you for you." Over time Ember sees him as a little brother and would do anything for him. Danny takes a deep breath and lets the pale blue ring go over him. He opens his eyes and looks down and sees that he is in his human form

"I'm still human" he said with a smile. He goes over to look at himself in the mirror. But he was horrified by what he saw. He was paler than he already was, his clothes were ripped with blood staining them. His cheekbones were visible and he was sure that his ribs were as well. His normal soft raven hair was greasy and covered in blood and other things that he did not want to know.

"Why don't you go take a shower. I need to go out and do something" Ember said.

"Ok," Danny said, not really listening. He got into the shower. He took his shirt off and saw all the scares. There were so many but not all of them were from the GIW. Some of them were from all the ghost hunting and protecting the town. One does not simply just walk away from a creator. He gets in the shower. Showers always calmed him down. He lets the water hit him. He started to hum a tune and soon enough he was singing. Jazz always told him that he had a beautiful singing voice.

Ember comes back with some food. She saw how unhealthy he looked so she went out to the human world to get some food for him. When she comes back she hears him singing. And she has to admit that it is not half bad. It is actually pretty good. Danny comes out and changes into some clothes that Ember gave to him. They were a white shirt and black jeans with a silver belt. He comes out and sees Ember sitting there.

"Did the errand go ok?" Danny asked.

"Yah" she said.

"What did you do?"

"I went out to grab you some food from the human world"

"Really" he asked with excitement. She shows him the table that was full of food. (Imagine all of your favorite foods)

He starts to dig in. With a mouth full of food she sits down across from him. "I didn't know that you could sing," she said. Danny swallows the mouth full and looks at her "it was good, you sounded good" Ember said.

"Thanks," he said. "Jazz always said that it was nice," Danny said.

"Hey, when you are done lets go see Clockwork" Ember said.

"Ok" Danny said. 


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