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Danny was a good kid. He did his homework. He doesn't like to have the attention on him. He helps out around the house. He is kind and sweet. He is also the local town hero. Though not everyone sees him as a hero. His name is Danny Fenton son of the town's leading experts in ghost hunting, Jack and Maddie Fenton, but at night he is Danny Phantom. The ghost hero of Amity Park, and where might our hero be right now. Well, he is currently sitting in a smoking crater. But let's go back a few minutes to see where this all went wrong for our little hero.

- 5 minutes before -

Danny POV

"Come on Sam meat is so much better." Tucker said.

"No way Tucker veggies are better. They taste better and they are better for you" Sam said.

"Danny back me up," Tucker says. Sam gives him a glare that could send boxy packing.

"Well you know-" vvverr vvverr "oh thank Clockwork." he mumbled as he pulled out his phone, "What?"

"What is it Danny?" Tucker asked.

"Who is it?" Sam wondered.

"It is Jazz. It just says run" Danny said.

"Well that is not ominous" Tucker says.

"What if she is in trouble?" Danny said worried.

"Wait Danny, think about it. If she was in danger don't you think she would text help not run. No something else must have happened" Sam said.

"Your right, but what could this mean?" Danny said.

"Dude it obviously says run" Tucker said.

"Yes but form wh-" boooom. Sam said.

"Oh no. That was the direction of Fenton Works" Tucker said.

"Come on," Danny said.

"Wait Danny," Sam said but he was already gone.

When Danny got there the only thing that was left of the house was a smoking crater and some ruble.

"No. No no no please no" Danny said. He goes into the ruble to try to find anyone that survived. "Please please let them have survived please," Danny begged. He then sees Jazz's body. She wasn't moving. "God no please not you" Danny ran over and gets the debris off of her body. When he does he collapses on to his knees and grabs Jazz. "Please Jazz wake up your ok you just got to be ok"

"There you are, you freak" an agent says but Danny is not paying attention. "Get the holding device" another shouts. Danny knows that he should get out of here. That he should move but he can't. He is in shock. The next thing he knows there is a Fenton net on him shocking him. "Aaahhh" Danny shouts.

"Danny!!" Sam and Tucker. They run over to him.

"Stop it." Sam yells angrily.

"No run." Danny says. Sam goes over and punches one of them in the face and kicks another in the shin. Tucker goes and tries to get the net off of Danny. They restrain Sam.

"Tucker lookout" Danny shouts.

Tucker is hit over the head "Tucker!" Sam and Danny shout. Tucker groans on the floor.

Danny starts to thrash around.

"Stop moving you freak" an agent said, then hit Danny.

"No Danny," Sam yelled she tried to break free.
They hear a click of a gun.

"No wait please don't," Danny pleaded.

"Oh so you care for her, huh." He looks back at Sam, bang. Her body falls to the floor with the light gone from her eyes.

"No!" Tucker and Danny shout.

"Tucker go, run," Danny said. Bang. Tucker's body falls.

"No! Tucker" Danny screams. He can feel tears on the brim of falling. Danny then feels a prick in his leg. He looks down and sees a dart. The world starts to fade. He can make out some voices. "Load up. This is going to be fun. Monster. Freak. Experiment." Then everything went black.

-two months later-

"Get up you freak" agent O says.

Danny just looks at him with his neon green eyes but they lost their glow long ago. Now they are dull and lifeless. Danny just sits there. This is one of the few things he can do to rebel. O punches him in the face and then kicks him in the stomach.

"Get up you abomination" agent K growls. Danny slowly stands up.


First chapter! I think that it went pretty will. Let me know what you think.😁

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