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"That is all for today," the intercom said. Then the collar zapped him and he fell to the floor. Danny is barely conscious when some of the agents come and drag him back to his cell.

-5 months later-

Danny is sitting in his cell after another 'check up'. He is convinced that they only do that to see him cry. Danny brings his knees to his chest and closes his eyes as he tries to concentrate on slowing down the blood coming out of the poorly stitched up Y. He closes his eyes and all he sees are the agents standing over him. Yelling at him. Freak. Scum. All your fault. Abomination. Monster. 'Maybe they are right. It is all my fault. If I had just died in that stupid portal then none of this would have ever happened. They would all be alive and it is not like I mattered. I was just the punching bag at school and it is not like anyone here even cared about weak Fenton.'

He stayed like that for a few hours. In the fetal position in the far corners of the dark room. Surrounded by new and old blood that covers every surface. He would heal faster but he has not eaten in a couple days and when he does it is a small bit of stale bread and a little bit of water but sometimes they do stuff to it. One time they replaced the water with some chemical to see what it would do to me.

Danny is sitting there lost in thought for a while. He then hears footsteps coming. He prays that they will keep walking. They stop in front of the door. 'Why does the universe hate me? I was just thrown back in here.' They open the door and a stream of light fills the room. "Let's go," O said. Danny slowly stands up because he does not want to rip any stitches. K grabs him and puts ecto cuffs on Danny. They push him out. They make twists and turns but Danny already knows where they are going. After 7 months of this he knew this route the best. It is the way to their favorite room. The room where they like to cut him open. To play with his insides and hear his cries. But they keep walking. Past the torch room farther down the hall. Danny has only been down there a few times. It is the room where they come up with new devices to hurt him.

They get to the room and they walk in and Danny no longer struggles. He has learned that it is pointless. He just goes limp. They strap him to the table with his hands by his sides. There is very little of his suit left. Just the bare minimum not to be called naked.

"We have a little surprise for you," agent C says. She is one of the lead scientist that like to build be torture devices.

'What new devices did they build this time? Let's just get this over with so I can go back to my cell,' he thought.

One of the walls goes transparent and he can see through it. On the other side is a bunch of tech that he has not seen before. It looks like a poor attempt of a ghost portal. 'What are these bastards doing?' he questioned. Seconds go by and they bring in a kid. He has a black eye. Beautiful blue eyes and bright red hair. He has freckles all over his face. He was a cute kid. He had a green t-shirt on with tan cargo shorts on. The agents were dragging him in. He was kicking and screaming "let me go" the boy cried. "Shut up" one of the agents said then they slapped him. The boy whimpered. This made my blood boil.

"Since you refuse to help us we have to get another subject," agent C said. 'No they wouldn't this is just a kid. A human that has done nothing wrong.'

Danny starts to struggle against the restraints.

"Oh would you look at that it is upset" O said.

They strap the kid to the machine "Mommy. I want my mom" the boy cried. "Shut up" they yelled. The agents then left the room.

"No stop this! What are you going to do to him?!" Danny tried to say but it got muffled out but the muzzle. They turned the machine on and the kid screamed. Danny couldn't do anything but watch and listen to the scream. That scream will haunt him. There was so much pain in it. Then it just stopped, the agents turned the machine off and it was quiet. You could hear a pin drop. He died. Something inside Danny snapped. They could do whatever they wanted to him, he could take it, but when they started to put incense into it and a CHILD that is the final straw. Danny thrashes around harder. "Haha look at that he is mad now" K said.

"Stop, that we all know that you don't feel anything. You're just an ectoplasmic scum that does not deserve to exist" C said.

"Well that didn't work, guess we will have to try again. Go grab another one." O said into his earpiece. Danny's eyes widened. 'No they were going to do it again' he started to see red in the corners of his vision but he did not care he was so angry.

"C look at this," K said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Look at its eyes," he said.

"What the-" Danny started to scream. The agents took a step back. His power was spiking. His body was surrounded by a green light and the very tips of his hair seemed to flicker as if on fire. The muzzle was digging into his jaw and he could feel something drip down his neck but he did not care. He just screamed and his wail started to leak into it. It then got louder and the muzzle broke off. An agent must have hit one of the alarms because the only light in the room was the flashing of the red lights and the sound of an alarm. He is not aware of what is going on the next thing he knows is that he is flying above a smoking creator.

"No, what did I do?" Danny said just above a whisper because he hasn't used his voice in so long. He lands on the ground and just stares at the creator in horror. A green swirling portal then open to his left he walks over to it. 


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