『Unto the Lap』

Start from the beginning

Fluder, of course, didn't hear him over the music and was taken by his thoughts for the most part. His eyes though slowly lifted to find that Arche was staring right through him, shifting on her lover's lap. A small chuckle left the old man's lips, it was as if he was looking at a grandchild in their parent's lap due to the size comparison.

His gaze then found itself resting on his Emperor, causing him to blink a few times. "What is on your mind, your Majesty? You don't look well..." Up until now, the Court Wizard had been rather ignorant of the emperor's current mental state after the incident.

"Old man," he shook his head with a flavorful smile across his lips, his violet eyes reflected the man's gaze right back at him. "Have you made any breakthroughs with the undead labor plans?"

"Ah! Yes, Jack and his workers have been a great help in collecting Undead, as expected of one considered to have been my protege," he gave a smug look as he pointed his finger towards Arche, closing one eye before going back to eating his steak.

Slowly nodding at the very little his surrogate parent had responded with and simply shook his head. Leaning back in his seat, his eyes rested on the selection on his plate before his eyes rested on Arche. "I am sorry for the way you were treated, they will be punished as the law sees fit. It is a heinous crime to attack the very hostess and even insult her at that." He took up his chalice and raised it to the girl who blinked at him in response.

"Of-of... course, your Majesty." Shakily she forced herself to smile after her teeth caught her bottom lip when she tried to speak aloud. She was going to remain rather jumpy, she couldn't change that after what had just happened. Everything was just way too fast for her. "Thank you for your consideration..." Her head bowed towards him, her blonde locks falling forward and covering her face with shadows, hiding it from view.

A few wet spots appeared on her dress, her gaze fogging up. It wasn't long before her eyes were beginning to burn, forcing her to blink.

For some reason expecting the boys to come back after her. She had never had someone blatantly try to do that while she was in a vulnerable dress, one in which had been designed for this very occasion.

She wanted to cry, but Arche didn't want to appear weak, definitely not in front of Jack, not any more than she had already done... Closing her eyes, she rested her head back against his chest, her hands reaching over and grasping at his, keeping them folded over his lap.

Blue hues seemed to glow in contrast to the surrounding crimson red bloodshot sclera, her eyes flickering away from the Emperor. It was clear now how hard she was trying not to breakdown.

One of Jack's hands reached up, escaping from her hold and lightly moving to cover her eyes and tilt her head back slightly in the process of doing so. His fingers and even his palm were so cold, it felt good on her eyes that felt as if they were on fire.

"If you don't mind us, we'll be excusing ourselves early. If anything is needed," Jack pried his other hand from her hold and pointed it to the elf who was standing by the door to the kitchen, "Inform her immediately and she will fetch us."

Blinking at the man's words, the Emperor Jircniv could only agree to his words as he watched Jack stand from the table... Shifting the young woman in his arms like she were a doll before carrying her like a bride in a loving embrace.

It was clear this beast of a man cared for the young woman, he treated his slaves well as seen by their clothes and the skills he passed unto them. It surprised him that the slaves were the ones who had cooked all of this food.

Jircniv frowned though as he looked to his Court Wizard, seeing as he was still absorbed with his food, his gaze then moved to the two members of his personal Imperial Knights.

Many of the people who were paying attention to what was going on, whether or not just curious or completely politically motivated, watched as Jack left the ballroom. Their eyes almost immediately turning to look at the Emperor before going back to their personal business.

As his two Knights returned, they stood before him.

"Your Majesty, the three boys have been loaded into a carriage, a number of guards are bringing them back to the detention center," the two of them reported to their Emperor, quick to given the details as such was their duty. "How would you like them charged?"

Jircniv looked over his underlings as he thought to himself, crossing one leg over the other as he stayed seated at the table before the food. He obviously wasn't all that hungry considering what had transpired. "Attempted sexual assault of a Lord's fiancée with simple assault with intent to harm," his eyes fixed on them, "insulting the Emperor and his Host, and disturbing of the peace."

These charges were all true, and in no case changed to fit his own wrath. Though he was not aware of Jack's desire to bring justice upon the boys or let alone his nation, he wished to correct this but he needed to figure out how to get back into the man's better graces.

Jack was already wealthy, he was already influential and his name was already common as it were. A man who suddenly showed up in Arwintar, bought a house that was home to cultists, and later found that the Nobles of Re-Estize were on the lookout for him.

It was clear that this man in himself was a treasure for country alone, and he wanted it to be the Baharuth Empire and no other.

Thinking to himself, he could only wonder, how and why things had gone so downhill. Had someone planned this? Had someone planted an event to destroy the reputation of the Empire?

Jircniv wanted answers, he wanted to figure out what the boys knew if they even knew anything at all. Clenching his jaw, his paranoid thoughts were starting to get the better of him, despite the fact that many a times his suspicions bared fruit.

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