Talk of the School

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Its a new day and Im walking down the hall alone yet again. I expect to hear the usual inquires about my gender as I walk by but instead I hear something far worse.

"Did you know that little freak beat up Rizo and his friends"
"That little punk?!"
"Yeah and she took out the whole gang two. Except Rizo some stranger shot at him!"

I gripped my books. But this time I did not walk to class instead I dashed down the hall into the library . As soon as I was in the library I walked into an isle filled to the brim with history books. As if the library wasn't empty enough no one would ever come in this isle. I thought to myself as I sat on the floor resting my head against the bookshelf.

"As if people didn't talk about me enough already" I mumble under my breath as bury my face in my hands. "Crona?" A voice calls out to me. I look up to see kid standing over me. "How is it we always seem to meet like this," He says to me with a smile in his voice. He holds out his hand yet again and I take it. "What happened?" He asks me with concern as he looks into my eyes as if he can find an answer there.

"People were gossiping about how im a bully for beating up all those kids," I say with a heavy sadness in my voice. "Well your no bully even I can see that," "Thanks," I replied with little less of a somber tone.
"So what did happen?" Kid asks me. "T-t-they were t-t-trying to peek under my dress so I used screech minor on them," I say nervously while I look down and fiddle with my hands. "Why on earth would they do that?!" Kid says to me with a slight undertone of anger in his voice. "They want to know my gender" I say to kid. My lip quivers and my eyes are on the brim of tears as I relive the scenes in my head. Kid sees this and pulls me into a tight hug. I'm overcome with tears and soil his shirt but he holds me anyway.

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