Chapter 19

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~Your POV~

France was so shaken up, as if he was made for shaking, I could feel it. He had his arms around my waist, his head layed sideways on my lap, his face was looking up, he had been there for a while, everyone was trying to ask him what happened all he said was, "I went down to go feed him like we agreed on and I asked him questions while I fed him, then he was just out of his chair, I was about to come for you guys when he had kicked the chair at me, I fell down and he ran for the cutters. And then I screamed for help and you guys know the rest..." His voice was shaking, but the tone sounded like a threat.

His grip tightened on me as he slowly sat up, and just buried his head against me, I'm not complaining, he seems like an affectionate person, he is nice. You just put your arm around his shoulders and slowly draws circles on his back to calm him. Its pretty late and I'm exhausted from the events today. I dont want to be alone now. "Russia." I ask for him. He hums in response and turns to me.

"Can I sleep with you tonight...? I dont want to be alone.." he seemed taken back by my request but quickly responded. "O-oh Of course!" He blushed and I giggled at his reaction. France's grip on me tightened, as he placed his head in the crook of my neck. "France you should get some rest too, yo had a long day." I tell him while patting his head. "Okay Cherie" He smiled like an

innocent child, it was adorable. I smiled at him, but I didnt notice him blushing when I did.

We both get up, Ukraine comes in. "Do you guys wanna stay over or head back? I dont know what to really do now that he is gone..." She looks at the floor. Britain speaks. "Well he came here for a reason, to take her," he started while pointing at me, "so he might come back again, lets stay a few nights and if nothing happens then we can go back to our homes. Is that alright with everyone?" Everyone nods in agreement, but France looks excited.

Swear, he reminds me of a kid. He is just adorable. "Well I only have three rooms other then mine, so, someone will have to share. France's face lit up, "Russia, Y/n, and I can share a room, and America and Britain could use their own!" Russia had a bit of an annoyed expression. "I'm fine with it" Britain stated. America nodded. Russia sighed in defeat. "Aight fine. Whatever." He glared at France. France just smiled innocently, but his eyes narrowed towards Russia.

"Well then we can stay in the room I have been using. I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed. Good night everyone" I say, heading towards my room swaying my tail as I go. I heard a few good nights from the rest before i entered my room. There was only one bed, it was a big bed I think we could share it, if not then I will let both of them use the bed, and I can go to the couch. I put the pillows as a barrier for us, three spaces, I think we will fit. Just as I was about to get into the bed, Russia and France came in glaring each other.

I shrugged and was yet again stopped by Russia. "I want the middle. You go on this side, and France. Over there." He demanded. "Well sucks for you, I'm in the middle." I said jumping into my spot. Slightly purring at how soft it was. Russia chuckled, "Fine." Once we are all in bed, my purring started to slow and die down. "Awe but I enjoyed that sound..." France pouted looking over the pillow wall. I laugh softly.

"Go to sleep you need it." I said sticking my tongue out. "Shut up." Russia cuts in, he takes his pillow barriers and throws them at me and France. We just laugh quietly. I feel arms go around my waste, I turn to see Russia holding me, he scoots closer and puts his head above mine, my face in the crook of his neck. I then feel arms wrap around my shoulders, France is now holding me as well. Well how the fuck did I go from a useless school girl, to laying in a bed with two hot guys?

Am I dead? Did I die in my sleep? Theories start in my mind, i start to panic but I soon drift to sleep. As if Russia and France had protected me in my sleep, I hadn't had a nightmare that night. I snuggle against them both, I softly start purring. My tail wrapped around the three of us. Today was a long day, and I'm starting to think. 'What if I stayed here?

~Soviet POV~

I cant believe France is like that. Not that I'm complaining although he will be a problem when I have to take the human back to her world. My useless excuse for a son looked way too comfortable with that girl. I only beg to our creator that my son isn't in love with that thing. Just thinking about it makes me want to gag.

She doesnt belong here and I swear if Russia or France try to drag the time she is here longer then I wont hesitate to beat them down. She cannot stay here. I was informed to take her in the next few days. I dont know what he is planning but I need to make sure I get her before he does.


"Let's make a deal, you leave this place, be free, and we can set up a plan for you to take Y/n back to her world, whole plan, more secretly, more time and help. But, they cant know I'm with you." France said, his expression unreadable, this country is one you dont want to mess with, he might seem sweet but now I know its just a mask to get his prey. "How will you get me out without being caught?" I ask glaring at him. "I will untie you, and you take those cutters, and threaten to kill me if they dont let you leave." He stated. "Deal?"

This could get me out, and if I accept I have a better chance against Russia, America, and Britain. Ukraine and Canada are too weak in my opinion. This asshole could help me a lot. I sigh in defeat. There are so many outcomes to this, lets hope its in my favor. I look back at France, we stay quite, his expression stays the same as if he was paused, it was scary to be honest, he didnt look.. Alive. I gave up my glare, and turned my head up to him with my gaze, "Deal."

||End of flashback||

He seemed friendly with y/n as well... I dont understand if he is helping me but likes her as well, why would he help me get rid of her? This country is confusing. Just by thinking that he Ishtar have a bigger plan then what he is telling me. I cant let my gaurd down, I must have all possibilities open. I must have a back up plan. I know who I must get, but I dont want to. Whatever, I need to. I knock on his door and wait. Nothing I slam on his door, I hear footsteps. "WER IST ES!!" (Who is it) He screamed, clearly annoyed.

"Well hello again, Nazi."

~America POV~

I rush to my dads room as silently as I can. I softly knock on his door. He opens his door and gives me a confused gaze, I just walk in. "You have to be thinking about it too." I say sternly, I show him my concerned age. I'm not just some asshole, yea I can be but sometimes I just act on instinct. "Its so messed up, nothing adds up, how did he get free? The ropes were not cut and were not ripped. He had to have been untied!" I whisper yelled at him.

"I do find it strange, but France was the only one in the room, he wouldnt do something like that, especially someone who wants to take Y/n he loves the damn girl like a child." Hearing that I gritted my teeth, I'm his fucking son and he thinks of this feline as a daughter? He put a fucking cat above me? "Yea and we know Soviet hates betrayal, after that damn nazi cut off the contract. So why would he betray France even if he did untie him?"

"This makes no sense. Its so confusing." I sighed frustrated. "Its late and we had a long day, good night dad." I began to to walk out. "Good night son." He replied. I'm to tired for this shit. I go to my room and I just lay on the bed, staring. If mom liked y/n as a daughter, why would he offer to share a room with her? Is it because Russia is there? Is he trying to make sure nothing.. funky.. goes on? But why would he do that for someone he had met today?

(America doesnt know about the park or the porch meeting dont get confused pleaseee)


See you in the next chapter  🖤

See you in the next chapter  🖤

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