Chapter 5

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Russia and Ukraine was in shock. America had this huge grin on his face. "We told you and you didn't believe us but now look, you saw it do you believe us now?" America's Scott with a smirk. Russia sent a sharp glare towards his way. "Yeah I didn't believe you! Do you know how believable it is when someone you hate walks up to you and says there's a cat lady in the forest?" Russia rolls his eyes, "but yes now I believe you. It's just.... What is she?" Ukraine jumped at America and punched his arm as hard as she could. "OW what the fuck?!?!?!" America yelled.

(( Ukraine is a girl in this story btw ))

"What the fuck?... What the fuck?!? You were hurting her!! That's what the fuck!!" Ukraine snapped. "Oh yea-" Russia cut off my punching America's gut. "ASSHOLES!!!" America shouted while kneeling down holding his stomach in pain.

~Time skip~

Russia grabbed his red scarf and locked his house door when he left. His only thoughts were what he normally does when he is upset, he was going to his favorite spot in the woods and he would cut his wrists. As he walks towards the forest edge, his eyes started to feel warm, his vision a bit blurry. He wouldn't be able to hold his tears back for much longer. As he was walking to his spot by the small pond, he heard sobbing, and it was from him. He was curious, so he wiped his eyes to get a better look on the situation.

(Btw it's almost sunset. ✊😔)

He saw the cat woman that America screamed about, she was crying? 'Is she crying because of America?' he thought, he was about to walk closer until she moved by the water and stared down at it. "What's happening... Where the hell am I?!? I want to go home.. I want these ears and tail gone!! Why is this happening to me... This has to be a dream..." She spoke to her reflection. Russia watched silently. ' What does she mean? Dream?' he thought. "There are fucking huge people with the flags of the countries as faces!! This can't be real.... I'm going crazy..." She sobbed once more, this time she sat against the big tree and held her knees and hid her face. The sobbing echoed through the forest.

Russia slowly walked to the other side of the tree. She heard him and jumped up and backed away quickly. "W-who are you??" She asked in fear, she couldn't see him past the tree but she saw his shadow and felt his presence. "I'm not going to hurt you." His Russian accent echoed as he sits leaning against the tree. "I sometimes come here to think, and get things off my chest. What brings you here?" Y/n hesitantly sat back down on the opposite side of the tree then the man she hears. "Last thing I remember is sitting at home in my room the next thing I know I fell into that pond I almost drowned. I don't even know where I am." She spoke quietly but light enough for him to hear.


"I've been sleeping in this tree ever since I got here." She spoke. "Have you been able to eat well?" Russia asked her. "I've only eaten once I've only been here for 2 days. I hunted and ate a rabbit." She replied. "My name is Russia." He introduced himself. "Nice to meet you... My name is Y/n.." she replied. "Hey.... If you want.. I could bring you a meal tomorrow night?" He offered. Y/n's face lit up as soon as she heard that. "Yes! Please!!" She shouted happily. Russia chuckled at her eagerness. "I should go, its late.. but, here." Russia handed her his scarf, and stood to walk away. "Thank you.." y/n was greatful. "Of course, see you tomorrow. Good night." He said as he walked away. He heard her say good night back. That made him smile, he continued to his home.


See you in the next chapter ! 🖤

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