Chapter 17

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Ukraine tells me I should stay up in the living room with Russia and France, so I do for a while. France and I took a while to drag Russia to an empty guest room. He was twice my size, and way bigger then France, and we may or may not have dropped him a few times- But thats not the point. When we get Russia in bed we start to patch up, clean and numb some of his wounds. After that France and I went to the basement.

"Wake up." America's voice echoed as he shook Soviet harshly. I was in a dark corner, France stayed near me, he was glaring at Soviet. Britain came back with hot tea, he took a sip before slightly kicking at Soviets leg to try to get him to wake up. Soviets eyes twitch slightly before shooting open. America pulled another chair, sitting on it backwards leaning his chest against the back frame. "Your going to answer some questions. If you dont, or if you lie, I will hit you. Simple. So lets get this over with so you can fucking leave." America said with a cold threatening tone.

~France POV~

Y/n stayed in a corner, so Soviet couldnt see her, I stayed by her to make sure she didnt freak out, I can tell by her gaze she is tensed and ready for anything. I place my hand on her shoulder in a reassuring way, although at the contact she flinches and looks at me before relaxing into the touch. I will admit she is quite attractive, but will I say that out loud? Pft maybe. Soviet grumbles and says something in Russian, now I understand Russian but I cant speak nor write it. "Это касается только меня России и той женщины." (It concerns only me Russia and that woman.) He says.

America chuckles, before kicking his knee. "Speak English fucker. Thank you." I am America's "Mother" he calls me mom sometimes or "papa". While Britain is called "Dad" or "Pops". I can understand why, I helped in his revolution. But I dont understand why I'm the mother, I mean I do have a more feminine body frame but thats it. I feel offended, but I do call him 'son' sometimes. America looks at me as if looking for approval to go on. I nod, and he does the same to Britain,

and he nods as well.

"I dont give a fuck about your stupid questions, this situation is for me, Russia, and the girl. ALONE." He shouts and he tries to kick America's chair away. I feel Y/n tense up, I put my arm around her protectively and I whisper to her, "Dont worry fleur(flower) I wont let that gardon(roach) near you." She scoots closer to me a tad, and that makes my face heat up. "Alright, I was gonna go easy but now, I dont think I will." America stands up and kicks his chair away and punched Soviet in the face. "Now, first question." America starts, Soviet is cursing in Russian and he glares at America, if looks could kill then they would have both killed each other.

"How the fuck do you know the girl?" America asked, taking his chair back and sitting in it normally this time, facing Soviet. "I had dream, and she was there." Soviet scoffed. America didnt look convinced, but played along. "What was the dream about?" Soviet stared at America, then at Britain, I dont think he knows Y/n and I are here. Good.

"It was all black. Nothing but me. I heard a woman talking, faintly. What seemed to be the ground, started to shake.The ground broke. It looked like we were in a different world, full of humans. I saw a girl walking down the street, she looked as if she was walking home from school. I tried to walk to her, but she couldnt see nor feel me. She suddenly stopped and helped injured kitten. I continued to follow." He started, he paused for a minute before continuing.

"She took it to her home, I just watched. She named the cat she had found, 'Asterisk'. The cat would stare at me time to time. It hissed at me when she left the house. The girl came home with a collar and after setting the cat up, she went to bed. I watched her and the cat for while. The cat just stared at me. I went to touch the girls face, and I could feel her this time. That's when everything around us went black, and we continued to fall. The world around us turned to the city we all stay in. I woke up before i could see where she had landed." He ended.

I look at Y/n and she is wide eyed. "That's what happened before i came here... he might not be lying.." She whispered to me. I nodded and walked to Britain and America, thats when Soviet noticed me, he didnt find Y/n out, good. "Y/n told me that is what happened before she woke up in the pond in the forest near the edge of the city." Ukraine spoke up. "She also told me that as well." I stated. America turns his face of distrust to a calm stern look. "We will ask more questions later. For now we will get you food and water, and then we will let you rest." Britain stated, he placed his hand on America's shoulder urging him to o come up stairs with the rest of us.

Y/ walked towards me, thats when Soviet noticed her. He stared wide eyed, anger, guilt, relief, was all I could see in his expression. His face had a bruise where America had hit him. He looked pitiful. Y/n got closer to me, her tail wrapped around her leg, her ears low. I can tell she was uneasy. I placed my arm around her once more. She leaned on me as we walked upstairs. Today must have been rough for her.


See you in the next chapter 🖤

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