Chapter 6

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Y/n sat at the edge of the pond, and cuped water in her hands. She drinks the water slowly. "I'm going to have to hunt soon." She groaned. "I don't think you will." A Russian accent made her jump. She wipped around to see it was only Russia, she relaxed slightly. "What do you mean? And what are you doing here I thought you were coming later?" She questioned him. "Yea yea ik but I thought about it and well, I want to one get you new clothes, those look torn, two I also came to ask if you would like to meet a friend of mine..?" He nearly pleaded.

"Hmm.... As long as the guy with the American flag isn't there......" Y/n said hesitantly. "Don't worry if I see him I will punch him for you." Russia responded, "My friends name is Ukraine, and she requested to meet up at the park. Wanna go now?" Y/n nodded in response. "Yay!" He clapped his hands together, "let's go!" Y/n followed Russia to the edge of the forest. "Which way is the park?" Y/n asked. "I believe it's just down this street and then we take a left." Russia stated, he grabbed y/n's hand and he half dragged her as they went.

~time skip~

The two arrive at the park, as soon as other flag people were in sight she hid her ears and tail. Russia looks around and spots Ukraine. "Ukraine! Over here!" Ukraine sees the two and runs up to them. The quick movement causes y/n to hide behind Russia's back. Russia smirked at the action. Ukraine noticed this and slowed down. "Sorry about that cat lady..." Ukraine apologized. "It's okay......" Y/n only took a small step away from Russia. "My name is y/n.."

Ukraine smiled. "It's nice to meet you y/n!" She held her hand out to shake it. Y/n hesitantly shook hands. Ukraine noticed her claws and stared at them in awe. "Oo~ those are sharp." She chuckled. Y/n smiled awkwardly. "Thanks..?"

Ukraine inspects y/n's clothing. "Yeaaa no we are going to get you new clothes. Oh my God this is going to be so much fun!!!" Y/n's has a look of confusion and tilts her head. Russia blushes and looks away. "Let's go now!!" Ukraine chirps. Y/n giggled and let Ukraine lead her and Russia.

I drew this for chapter 5:

-------------------------------------I drew this for chapter 5:

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I hope you enjoyed, see you in the next chapter! 🖤

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