XIII ~ Harold Parade

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This is the thirteenth chapter. Enjoy!

~ AthenasOwlette


Layla | Officer 1 | Officer 2 | Officer 3

Number dialing...


"Hi, this is the emergency line. What can I do for you?"

"Can you deal with an alcoholic father, a sixteen-year-old abused daughter and a crying six-year-old daughter?"

"Er, yes?"

"Okay, get to Harold Parade. Number thirteen."

"Right away. Can you please give me your name?"

"Layla. Layla Dominic."

"Who's the father?"

"West Mullins."

"...the mass gambler?"


"The two daughters?"

"Seyda Mullins and Willow Mullins."

"Thank you. Anyone else there?"

"Chase and Chaster Sanchez, as well as me."



"Very well. Thank you. We have an emergency team coming immediately."


- call ended - 

Number dialing...


"I need a team to get down to Harold Parade, number thirteen."

"Yes sir. We're on our way."

"Have someone report what's happening."

"Yes sir. Rookie!"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Report to your senior on what's happening. Stay in the car too!"

"But ma'am-"


"Yes, ma'am."

"So tell me."

"Mr. West is beating up what looks like his sixteen-year-old daughter. But the girl - Ms. Seyda Mullins - is bearing quite well against his blows. It's like he's done this before."

"Child abuse. Continue."

"There is a small child hiding behind Ms. Seyda. Most like Ms. Willow."

"Protective. Continue."

"Two tall and well built males have joined in. They look like the two Sanchezes that Ms. Layla Dominic informed us about. The taller one - I'm assuming that's Mr. Chase - has join on the fight, attacking from behind."

"...a close relationship. Continue."

"Mr. Chaster is comforting Ms. Seyda, and smiling and introducing himself to Ms. Willow. Ms. Layla is talking to us, the police, and giving her statement."

"It's like they planned this. Continue."

"Mr. Chase has managed to take out Mr. West, but he seems beaten as well. Oh, and Ms. Seyda looks as if she's had some first aid experience. Mr. Chaster is taking out medical equipment and she's bandaging herself quite well."

"I'll search into that. Continue."

"That seems to be it. Any questions, sir?"

"I got it. Ms. Seyda is an intern at a local hospital, rising through the ranks so quickly that she's now head intern at the age of seventeen. Impressive. Thank you, Officer. You are no longer needed.

"Right. Bye, sir."


- call ended - 

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