VI ~ Family

35 3 9

This is the sixth chapter. Enjoy!

~ AthenasOwlette


Chase | Chaster

Number dialing...


"Chase, I need your help."

"Seriously? Again? Don't tell me...this has something to do with hypothetical girl, doesn't it?"

"Quite frankly, it does, you dickhead. Find anything you can on Seyda Mullins. As fast as you can."

"Chaster, what?"

"It's her. Seyda Mullins. Hypothetical girl."

"And why am I doing a background check on this girl?"


"Why are you puffing?"

"Shut up and do your job!"

"Okay, jeez. I'm typing as fast as I can, right now."

"Good. Tell me anything interesting about her family."

"Family? Hold on, have you two even met? Isn't a bit early to see if you can get her father's blessing?"

"Chase, stop jumping to conclusions! JUST TELL ME!"

"Fine! Seyda Sapphire Mullins is a seventeen year old girl, who goes to Desmond High. Same school as you!"

"Shut up and tell me something I don't know! She's in almost all of my fucking classes, Chase!"

"Oh. Um...her father is West Mullins, who used to be a company owner before they were sued for fake service. She has a little eight-year-old sister, named Willow Amethyst Mullins, who is excelling in school. Her mother is Sara Gerunte, who divorced Mullins about ten years ago. It looks like Gerunte is dating a guy called Hal Mane. Oh, and both of the men are alcoholics and is said to be seen at the casino quite a lot."


"Hypothetical girl has a shit family."

"Tell me about it. What was her father's name again?"

"West Mullins. Why?"

"West Mullins. West Mullins. West Mullins. FUCK WEST MULLINS! Okay, where does Angel's mum live?"



"Sara Gerunte is currently living at...Harold Parade, number thirteen."

"Thank you, Chase. Next time don't ask so many questions."

"Chaster, what's going on?"

"Make sure your phone is near you and you can answer any calls."


"And call Angel when you can."


- call ended - 

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