5. A Great Bath

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          I continued to accompany Buddy until she stopped and glanced at me. The road was swampy with mucky slush. It made it difficult for her to trace down the track.

I was disheartened and I closed my eye and breathed. When I opened them, I saw a big black bag lying hidden in amidst the sugarcanes, flies coming all over it. Then another turn of my imagination played with me, I saw a dead man and is attached into the bag. I shook my head to bring myself back to sense and I saw the bag still stable but this time smaller. Buddy rushed towards it smelling hard then clawed and nibbled it. "No, leave it alone. Stop it..." I yelled. The bag suddenly turned over and flesh could be seen. "What the hell is that?" I asked to myself. I stepped forwards and took a look at it. It was nothing than hens' flesh. It was disgusting.

"Humans are becoming wild.", I thought, covering my mouth and nose with my shirt, "Come on, Buddy. Better not to stay here." and continued the route.

I walked past and realised that we reached a viewpoint. I put my right hand on my forehead to prevent the sunray and turned around to scan a colin or something like that to have a better view from up to see all the paths. And good gracious, there was a hill. "We'll better trek it." I said and made the way towards it.

There was a long route to be taken. In the half-way, there was a stream flowing smoothly with fresh water. Seeing this I realise the thirst I have been having for a long time. I descended cautiously like an acrobat on a tightrope with Buddy and I laid on my knees down and forth my hand, carrying the water and sipped gulps of them then a sank my head on the flowing water to rinse my face, even spotting small river fishes, water snail and small baby toads. Buddy drank too but then entered the river to have a bath. So, I bathed myself too along with him, playing too. A few minutes later, after enjoying our bath in the cool water, that we recommenced our way off to the hill. But in the middle of our route stray two or three dogs appeared growling and barking at us. Buddy stepped forward and gnashed his teeth. The others stepped in front to assault us however Buddy made his move and clawed them, barking vigorously. Marks of scars could appear. She then grumbled loudly and the poor stray dogs vanished from there with agony.

   "Thanks, Buddy." I sighed


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