Chapter 1 -The Hexmutt-

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Midnight Chapter 1:

-The Hexmutt-

"Sooo, Sammy. Truth or Dare?"

The group of friends had just been released from the clutches of the horrible, cruel school and were at the park- two minutes away from the rotten building- playing Truth and Dare. The slight chill in the air had frozen the tips of the mowed grass, making it glisten under the grey sky.

A shy, blonde-headed girl looked a tad bit uneasy as Ben asked the question. She was never good at this game. "Err... Truth." Samantha finally decided. Her brown eyes looked up as the wild winter breeze blew her hair. They were sitting on the very top of the metallic climbing frame, it was the type of thing that would be intimidating to little kids, but they would still try to reach the top anyways. 

Ben, the jock and joker of the group, twirled his imaginary moustache, as a signature smirk invaded his pale face. "Oooh! I want to know what you'll say to this," he said whilst rubbing hands together for two reasons: to look evil and to get warmer. The group looked at him suspiciously. "What's the most rebellious thing you've ever done?" All four heads twisted towards Sammy.

She thought about it for a bit, “Erm... Well there was this one time, I err...snuck out," She glanced up to see all her friends a little shocked she'd do that. Samantha was a goody-two-shoes so it was a surprise to everyone she ever even thought of sneaking out. "But for the record it was only because I left my books at my cousin's and needed them for revision that night, and my mum wouldn't let me go..." Sam added, which made them recover from their shock.

"Wow, Sammy you're such a rebel!" Ben said, sarcasm seeping through his words. Everyone started laughing at that.

"Okay, okay. It's Tammie's go now, right?" Damien, a brown headed guy asked. He was the group's nerd. Computer geek. Whatever you want to call it.

Tammie nodded eagerly and before he could even ask the question she said, "Dare!"

"Guys, a dare for our beloved friend. What should it be?" Damien asked. He might look like the sensible one, however he definitely isn't. No one really was sensible in this group.

"Oh! I know!" screamed the blacked headed girl, Maya.

"Shoot!" screamed back Ben.

"You have to call Ellie and be all lesbian with her! Act as if something happened between you." Maya shouted. She was loud, and always hyper. Maya was a complete fashionista, and her parents were loaded, so you could only imagine how many walk in wardrobes she had.

"No! I'll do anything but that! You know that she's like my biggest enemy. Ever." This was probably revenge. Tammie always had the worst dares to give out. And because the whole of this group didn't turn down a challenge, they'd all been through some sort of torture. Whether it be physical or mental.

"Tamara Rose, are you turning down a dare?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow. She knew she had to do it now. She was being challenged.

"Kay. How long does it have to last for?" Tamara asked whilst pulling her phone out from her jean pocket. She didn't want to admit it, but this could be fun. Messing with the school slut.

This time it was Ben who answered. "Until she hangs up." he said as he saw Tamara shake her head, trying to hide her smile.

She put the iPhone on speaker and waited for Elizabeth to pick up.

"Why are you calling me?!" a squeaky voice shrieked through the phone. Tamara didn't even know why they had each other’s phone numbers, they despised each other. Even the voice of that witch gave her a headache.

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