Chapter 9 -Making New Wolfy Friends-

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Midnight Chapter 9:

-Making New Wolfy Friends-

“Sapphire move away,” Mason said cautiously and made an arm movement that told her to take a step back. Sapphire however did the opposite and kneeled down next to the wounded wolf.

“He fought on our side, that means we have to help him,” Sapphire insisted.

The boy let out a frustrated sigh, “Wolves are rabid creatures, they’re insane… they can’t be trusted,” He guardedly moved closer. For all they knew the wolf could be feigning.

“But he’s hurt, and I say we help him!” Sapphire had gone back to assessing the wolf’s wounds.

“And how do you plan on doing that?”

Sapphire reached into her backpack and grabbed some sort of vial, which gave it away. “Using this,” A potion. A healing potion to be specific.

“That means you’re-” started Tamara but got interrupted.

“My mum yeah she was a sorceress, I’m a Warrior, but my mum taught me a few things.” Both of them picked up on the word ‘was’ and didn’t question the matter further.

“Mason I think Sapphire’s right, we should help the wolf… he seemed, I don’t know… more humane than the others… plus he did just save our asses.” Reluctantly Mason agreed to the two girls.


Whilst the three of them waited for the potion to work and heal the wolf, they sat by the re-lit fire. Sapphire seemed to be a bit off.

“What’s got your panties in a twist?” questioned Mason, “Why are you scowling so hard at that poor little ant?” The little girl looked up and gave Mason her best death glare. If only looks could kill.

“You know what? It’s been two days! And where the hell are we? Nowhere near Ridge! I thought that Tamara would know what she’s doing. But she’s knows nothing!” shouted Sapphire, getting up.

“Well I’m sorry kid! You should’ve thought harder before joining me on this fucking picnic to bloody Lala Land! I asked you a million times to fucking to leave, but no you wanted to go on an adventure. Sorry that this trip didn’t meet your bloody expectations!”

“This is not an adventure for me you bitch!”

“Oh really? Then what the hell is it?!”

“My-” Sapphire had clamped her mouth with her hands before she could reveal her intentions. Whatever they were they didn’t seem right to Tamara. Someone started sputtering which turned everyone’s attention towards the place where the wolf had been laying. However in its place was a man instead who had tattered clothes on with blood on them.

“Who the hell are you?” Mason asked. It was obvious the wolf had changed, but that was impossible. The disease that had taken over the werewolves didn’t allow transition to take place. The guy coughed some more and in a raspy voice answered.

“Sam.” Sam tried to stand up but failed and collapsed making everyone rush over to him to help him.

After they helped Sam settle down by giving him some food to strengthen him, Mason started his interrogation as he was extremely cynical about this wolf.

“So Sam, right?” he questioned, throwing twigs into the fire. Sam nods. “How does this transition work then? I thought that all of your kind was diseased…”

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