Chapter 3 -Flying Hippos & Unicorn Butlers-

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Really important notice! Please READ! Thank you!

Basically if you don't know already, I made some major changes to the last two chapters so you might want to re-read them beforehand :/ I'm sorry!

Oh and dedicated to my best friend because, I forced her to read this... Eheheh ;) My parabatai now init fam *sniggers* Oh, she's going to hate me for trying to be chavy!


Midnight Chapter 3:

-Flying Hippos & Unicorn Butlers-

"Are you stalking me?!" This was the third time, third time they had bumped into each other. Once on the school corridor, then at the supermarket the other night and now on her way to the park to meet her friends.

"What? To me it looks like you're stalking me! And every single time you come towards me head on!" the guy shouted back. He was getting annoyed of this girl, everywhere he went she would just be there. And every single time she would bump into him.

"Huh, stalk you? In your dreams dude!" Tamara huffed, "Anyways... I don't have time for this! I have to go and meet my- Wait, why am I telling you this?" she questioned herself, and then stropped off, not before glaring at him though.

Attitude much? He thought to himself while walking to the coffee shop.


"Took you long enough! Where were you?" Ben questioned as Tamara came into view. They were all already there. Maya was out with Ben which is why she had already been there.

"That stupid donkey face, ugh! Don't worry, anyways, what's with the sudden meet up? Did something happen?" Tamara asked, brushing off her annoyance with the guy. It was the weekend and they had already made plans together for the evening, what was so important that it couldn't wait till later?

"Yeah, you know the meeting Ian was going on about? Well he sort of figured out why it was being held..." Maya trailed off as she joined the two. Tamara nodded slowly and then they headed to their normal spot to find Sammy and Ian sitting there talking softly. They looked super cute.

"So lovebirds, sorry to interrupt but I think Ian here has something to tell us..." Tamara said teasingly as she approached them, Sammy instantly flushed and Ian just looked away probably trying to hide his blush. He cleared his throat, and became serious again.

Once everyone was seated Damien began, "They're sending all of us to campus. Permanently."



"But why?!"

All of them started to protest, why would the council send them to campus? Campus was where everyone trained to become hunters. They were taught how to fight, how to use weapons, and how to kill. They only went once a year (in their precious summer) to learn all of that, why would the council send them there permanently?

"Shhh!" Damien shouted, and the bickering came to a halt. "Thank you! I don't know the exact reason, but I think it has something to do with the attacks... Maybe they want us to learn more self-defence...? Or they just want to keep us safe... I don't know, but that is all I could get, I thought I'd tell you guys... and I just couldn't wait till later."

"Wait, when is this meeting anyways?" Tamara asked.

"In two weeks..."

Sammy had a thoughtful look on, "That means that if they are going to tell us officially in two weeks, we might have around a month before we have to go to campus. But I really don't get why they're sending us..."

"Beats me, I'm not going! That place is just full of snobby bastards!" Ben muttered. It was half true; a lot of hunters were rich and were well, snobby.

"I don't think its optional Ben, plus there is no way you're leaving me to suffer on my own!" Maya said, replying to Ben whilst leaning away from him so that she could face him. Ben smirked.

"How long is this 'permanently' going to be?" Tamara questioned again ignoring couple, "They can't send us there forever right?"

Damien shrugged, "Honestly, I don't know Tammie, unless..."

"Unless what?" Sammy questioned as Ian's eyes widened, but he quickly recovered and hid his thoughts. He wasn't going to worry the gang on some of his exaggerated theories. There was no way that could happen anyway. No way.

"Nothing! Is that party still on then Maya?" he said changing the topic completely. Sammy and Tammie looked at Ian but gathered that he wasn't going to open up now.

"YES! Omg, guys! I have all the drinks ready and the film!"

"No, no! Maya, we decided that I was going to pick up the film! We are not watching one of your sappy films! Nope!" Tamara said panicking. She hated Maya's film choice she would always choose chick flicks or the most boring films ever. Last time they watched My Sister's Keeper. No one except Maya cried, well Sammy might've a little, but still!

"It's a good film I swear!"


Ben shut the television and glanced back at the guys. "Well that was... a bit weird... So the Aunt used to rape the guy when he was FIVE?! Or whatever! Yeah, Maya, we are never watching anything you choose ever again!"

"That was so sad! Oh my gosh! He went through so much when he was so small and that's why he was an outcast! Ah, but then..."Maya started crying... Yeah she was a bit dramatic. They had watched Maya's film, and well none of them really liked it much.

After coming back from the park everyone just went straight to the girls house as that where their mini party was. They had at least one of these once a month and all they did was watch a few movies, get drunk and play Truth or Dare or Never Have I Ever.

"Guys! I'm going to get the drinks! We're playing Never! Gather around!" Tamara screamed as she headed into the kitchen. Today all she wanted to do was drink away all her problems.

She still hadn't found the ring, and she hadn't given up either but she just couldn't see everyone around her being as depressed as she was, so she tried her best to be in a normal mood. Everyone knew she was just putting up an act, and when she did that she would not allow anyone in and tell them what she really felt.

"Never have I ever been to jail for more than one night!" Maya slurred. Everyone was partially drunk, well except Sammy, she didn't drink unless it was an occasion and her friends accepted that. Ben and Tamara took a sip from their cups. "Haw! Tam, when?" Maya said obviously shocked.

Tammie giggled, "I was drunk I think," she hiccupped, "and I can't remember but the police came and was arresting me for some reason, so I punched the police monkey! Hehehe, then he wouldn't let me have my call so when he was about to let me go, I kneed him in his nutty nuts so he put me back in! Remember that time I told you I was at Sammy's?"

"Oh yeah... I remember that!" Sammy blurted out and Maya nodded laughing. "But wait, you punched the officer? And then kneed him! Tammie!" Sammy said and shook her head as everyone just laughed.

"Okay, okay, my turn!" Ben said, acting like a four year old. "Never have I ever... hmmm," he smirked and glanced at Maya slightly, "Never have I ever puked on a stranger!"

"BEN! I told you never to bring that up! You! Ugh!" Maya said her eyes wide but then they turned into slits as she glared at Ben and took a gulp. She glanced around to be met with raised eyebrows, "I was drunk okay! And I felt so bad afterwards because his suit was nice!"

"No you weren't! You weren't drunk Maya!" Ben shouted chuckling.

"Okay! Enough! Let's play truth or dare!" Damien said.

"Okey dokey! Me first! Me first!" shouted Tammie putting her hand up as high as it could go, she looked up and giggled, "Look I can reach the stars," Tamara said stretching the word 'stars'.

"Okay, Tamara, I dare you to dress up as an elephant and run around town..." Ben said with an evil smile. Tamara, being a bit tipsy, happily agreed.

"Give me the suit." She said grabbing a bottle and downing it. The taste pierced her throat as it went down.

"I'm a happy hippo! I'm a happy HIPPO! COME AND LOOK AT ME FLY BITCHES!" screamed Tammie as she skipped around with her friends trailing her laughing a bit too loudly. Tammie wasn't heading anywhere in particular but she ended up near the local pub and a few other drunken people were laughing at her.

"Tam!" Maya shouted from behind her.

"What peasant?! Can you not see that I'm busy being a hippo?!" Tammie shouted back.

"I was just going to say, you're an elephant douchebag!"

"Oh..." Tammie muttered confused. "I'm an elephant? Am I that fat?" she questioned no one in particular, and then started sobbing. "I knew I shouldn't have eaten that packet of crisps or that bar of chocolate, or that Ben and Jerry's bucket from the freezer! Now I'm fat! And everyone hates me!"

"Wait! You ate my ice cream!?" Maya questioned. Tamara nodded crying. "My ice-creeeeeeeam!" Maya screamed and joined Tamara in her sobbing. Sammy went up to her friends trying to shut them up but they wouldn't keep quiet. Ben sat down in the middle of the road and laughed at the girls, he looked up and saw Ian chuckling too, he grabbed his hand and pulled his friend down, whilst taking a sip from his bottle.

"So Ian, truth or dare?"

He thought about it, what could be the worst thing Ben could dare him? Ian questioned himself, wait there was a lot of things actually... "Ah, what the heck, dare," Ian replied with certainty.

"Kiss Sammy." Ben said instantly making the colour fade from Ian's face he was about to protest but Ben gave him the look. Ian like Sammy, everyone knew that. Sammy felt the same, but Ian knew that this could go terribly wrong, he didn't want to ruin everything. What if Sammy didn't feel the same? There was no going back now. The slightly sober now guy stood up and slowly made his way up to the two girls and a girl dressed up as an elephant.

"Uhm, Sammy..." Ian called from over the cries, gulping loudly.

"Yeah?" And before she could say anything else, Damien placed his lips over hers. At first Sammy was shocked and her eyes were wide open, but then her lips started to move in sync of Damien's, her eyes fluttered close and her arms automatically wrapped around his neck. Butterfly's erupted in her stomach, and the kiss was over before she even knew it. As they parted they were still wrapped around one another's arms and they smiled.

"Hawwwwww!" Maya gushed, "That was so cute!" She walked over to Ben noticing his cheeky grin, they whispered something to each other before they also started making out on the road. Tamara suddenly felt a bit awkward. She looked away, took her elephant mask off and chugged down some more of the drink that she still held. Then she started walking off a bit. None of the gang realised.

"I'm a happy hippo..." Tammie hummed whilst walking. "I'm a flying hippo..." She had sauntered a fair bit now, she didn't even know where she was, but she didn't care. The street she was walking on was now deserted, with just a few run down houses that were visible because of the dying street lamps. Small droplets of water started shedding from above. Tamara looked up and more droplets safely landed on her pale white cheeks, smiling Tamara walked on more into the darkness. When the darkness seemed to be too overwhelming Tamara turned around, but her mind had already started playing tricks on her. The bottle in her hand dropped, the shattering of the glass echoed deafeningly in the area and her heart started thudding wildly.

Red eyes.

It was the demon who killed her parents. It was the demon who killed her dad right in front of her eyes. Just like she had when she was little, Tammie ran, she ran and ran and ran. She didn't stop, not until she couldn't breathe. Looking behind she realised that the thing hadn't followed her. But then she looked to her right and something bright was coming towards her. Tamara squinted, her eyes not adjusting to the light being shone in her eyes.

The guy driving saw the girl and abruptly spun the wheel of the car so that he wouldn't hit her but it was a bit late and the corner of his car hit her making her fly back. His own car bashed into a tree that was on the side of the road, the impact made his head bash against the wheel. "Ouch," Quickly he got out of his vehicle and went over to the girl. She was lying on the concrete floor, with her back to him.

Shit, shit, shit.

He ran over to where the girl was turning her over he realised that it was the same girl he kept bumping into. Grabbing her wrist, he searched for a pulse, when he found one he let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding, wait but what if she has a concussion?

Looking back at his car he realised that there wasn't much chance that it was going to work. "God damn it!" He muttered to himself and just then the girl turned a little in his arms.

"No, God, don't damn it... that'd be bad, real bad..." she muttered to herself giggling a little. Okay she had a concussion. Tamara slowly opened her eyes, and came face to face with him. He had pretty hazel eyes. Then when she realised who he was, Tammie abruptly stood up causing a searing pain to go up her right leg. Getting injured twice on the leg wasn't very clever. Glancing sideways behind her, she made sure that the demon was just her imagination, because otherwise it'd be here, after that she looked at him. "You, you!" she said, swaying a little. "Why do you keep following me? Are you some assassin person? Or a unicorn who has been forced to follow me? Am I a lost princess? Oh my god! I'm a hippo princess! Ah I want my pretty dresses! Go fetch them for me unicorn butler slash stalker. Go, hurry!"

The man just looked at her... Was she drunk? Maybe she was... that would explain the smell... And the weird costume...

"I'm not a unicorn butler..." he said carefully, hoping he wouldn't trigger something.

Tamara gasped, her eyes wide. "B-but I waaant a unicorn butler," the brims of her eyes were filling with unshed tears. "Please be my unicorn butler! Please! I'll be your hippo princess!"

"Look, I'm not a unicorn butler and I'm not going to be." He huffed getting slightly irritated. He looked around hoping to find a way back, he was new to the area and it was going to be hard for him to get home.

"Then who are you?" Tamara questioned.

"Ugh, I'm Mason Tyler, I'm from America, I moved here a couple of months ago, I hate mayonnaise and you're annoying! So shut up!"

"You're American?! I love American people! You can be my American unicorn butler!" After giggling for a bit she continued, "Do you eat burgers? Have you met Jensen Ackles? Isn't he hot?! Have you ever had tea? Do you like the queen? I'm tired I want-" Tammie's babble was cut off by a loud groan from Mason.

"Do you ever shut up?! And, err... Where do you live?" he asked, he couldn't leave her, she was obviously drunk and if he left her she was definitely going to get hit again and probably die.

"I live in the North Pole with Santa! He gives me cookies! Wait does he live in the South Pole or the North Pole? Wait... where is the North Pole? Is it north? Or is it actually south and the scientist are just trying to confuse us. But wait, how do we know which side of the Earth is north? I mean we could be looking at its bum thinking that it's his face! And..."

This girl never shuts up. Mason thought to himself. Maybe I could just leave her here... That was the most tempting thought, but then he felt a little guilty.

"Okay... if you don't shut up a red eyed monster will come and eat you," he said and with that Tamara went silent and extremely pale, from out of nowhere she jumped and clung tightly to Mason's arm, as if her whole life. Mason was confused. Had this girl...? Was she?

"Please don't let the demon hurt me, please!" Tamara's heart was beating so fast that she was sure that Mason could hear it. She felt like the vulnerable twelve year old she had been that night. When Tamara said 'demon' instead of monster, Mason's suspicions grew.

"Yeah, yeah okay, I-I won't let the demon hurt you." Mason said with hesitance.



"Okay, now take me home butler... My brother will kill me, and so will Maya... I mean it's not my fault everyone was busy snogging! I just wanted to walk for a bit but then you decided it was a good idea to kill me! Very much appreciated by the way! And now my feet hurt and my leg! Matt's going to kill me! You know, you killing me sounds a whole lot less painful..." Wow this girl is bipolar, one minute she's shitting herself and the next she's angry and then ugh!

"You know I would take you home, but I don't have a clue on where you live, it's hard enough to manage my own way home, but now I have to handle you? Great isn't it?"

"No need to be sarcastic Mr Donkey-Unicorn-Butler, it's not my fault you have no sense of freaking direction!" Tammie said her voice getting louder.

"Mr Donkey?! Excuse me; do I look like a fucking donkey? I don't think so, if anything you're the bloody donkey!"

"Language donkey..." Tamara said with a smirk, "Plus, I'm not a donkey, I'm a hippo! And I can fly!"

"Oh really, to me you look like a fat elephant!"

"I'm not fat you douchebag! I only weigh forty-five kg, which is obviously higher than your IQ!"

"I can count your IQ with just one finger!"

"Hey! I'm not dumb!" Tammie said looking down slightly, but before she could say anything back to him she heard her name.

"Tammie! You fucking bitch! Don't ever do that again! You know about the attac-" It was Maya and she was running towards Tamara, when she saw Mason and stopped. "Who's that?" she asked jerking her head in his direction.

"Maya!" Tamara screamed and hugged her. "Oh and him? He's the donkey-unicorn-butler who nearly killed me with his car..."

"Nearly what?!" Maya screeched, and Mason thought that Tamara was bad. "You nearly killed my sister? How dare you! I will sue you! I will, I will get you in jail! I know people okay! You're going down!"

"She was the idiot who thought it was a good idea to run into the middle of the road! If anything I should be suing you guys and getting you to have my car fixed... Just please take this girl away from me. I think I'll go mental if she's anywhere near me!" Mason said with resignation. He'd seriously had enough crazy.

"'This girl' has a name you know!" Tamara shouted. "Come on Maya; let's go, I'm tired," And after that the two girls went their way, and Mason was stuck on his own to figure a way home, it couldn't be that hard or far, right?


A/N: So I checked and I last updated in December.... Wow... I'm sorry... Because of this I have decided to set myself goals so like when the next update should be up by. Hopefully that will encourage me to update more frequently.

Anyways like I said up there you might want to reread the first two chapters as I have changed a fair bit. Hope you guys liked the chapter, I tried to make it extra long and a bit funny so yeah :)

Vote :) Comment :) And thanks for reading <3

Next upload: Before 15th September :) *fingers crossed*

Omg this is 5 pages long! I think this is the longest chapter I have ever written! Yay!

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