holding a photo at what seemed to be an orange flash with wings

"yes that's exactly what i saw but what is it?" valerie asked

"you see your grandfather took this when he was at your age" vincent said

"he was just hanging out with his friends when they saw this and took a picture of it" vincent explained

"what do you think it could be dad?" valerie asked her father as vincent said

"i have reason to believe that what you and your grandfather saw was the symbol of the phoenix" he said as valerie's eyes widened

"wha? The phoenix?! That's impossible you told me she died years ago!" valerie said

"yeah i did but maybe that's not the case" vincent said

"what if that was just a cover-up maybe she's still alive somehow" vincent said

"well if she's alive what's she doing here?" valerie asked

"im not sure but whatever you and your granfather saw was no joke that was the phoenix symbol" vincent said as the sand storm got closer vincent velma valerie and blake went into the rock den they made and vincent locked the opening behind them

"there, that should hold it off" vincent said and luckily they brought their nest in there too so they wouldn't loose it cause finding wood in the desert isn't as easy as it looks

the sand storm hits and the stone den didn't budge an inch they were safe but then the opening started to open

then valerie peeked out and saw a t rex but it wasn't like any t rex out there and it looked exactly like the one winter killed in the beach of pteranodon terrace

"now that's a problem" valerie said as her father went to her

"what is the problem?" vincent asked as valerie pointed at the beast that looked like a t rex

"what in the world is that?" vincent asked

"i dont know but what i do know is that its extremely powerful i've seen this thing before it can withstand a fire cannon" valerie explained

the beast looked around and its eyes met the den valerie and her father were shaking at this point they were hoping that the creature would just go away but it didn't as it slowly but surely made its way to the den valerie was scared she thought her life would end here

but as soon as the creature tried to remove the rock in the opening a orange light appeared and burned the creature and also made the sand storm disappear after that the raptor family moved the rock that was blocking the opening and the creature was nowhere to be seen the only remains that were left of it were purple dust

"valerie come with me" vincent said

"why?" valerie asked

"i have to show you something" vincent answered as he and his daughter went away to talk to each other

"dad why did you have to drag me over here? that creature may still be out there" valerie said

"no its not and the reason i know is because all the dust we saw might have came  from that creature whatever it was" vincent said

"but that orange flash though where did it come from?" valerie asked

"valerie i have to come clean to you now cause its quite obvious i cant keep this hidden" vincent said as he had a book in his arm

"what is that?" valerie asked as vincent opened the book

"do you see this?" her father said showing a picture

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