Start from the beginning

There was a bit of silence for a moment or two, and then the male voice asked, "Do you think Evanie came into the town?"

"Well, yeah," The female voice agreed. "The king said he sensed a human presence come into the city. Plus, Evanie is the only person that can see the city like we can."

Sensed?! Only person?!

Why am I the only being that can see the city? That doesn't make sense to me. Lex is so obvious to spot out now since it has that obvious electric blue color to it.

"We should take this back to King Zeve as evidence," The male voice suggested.

"Agreed," says the female voice and soon yawning after. "C'mon, let's go."

I hear a car door slam and hear the siren go off again. I plug my ears of the obnoxious noise. Hearing the car door slam and the siren going off, the sound slowly fades away in another direction. Assuming it's safe to come out, I peek my head behind on the corner of the dumpster, and the car was not there anymore. Was that their version of the police or a detective?

I sigh in relief of being able to not get captured on my first day here. I have a great feeling that this "Zeve" won't stop looking for me since he sensed my presence approach the city.

The sky is darkening and I'm assuming it's getting late. I was about to pull out my phone, but then realized that technology these days are advanced. The police in other states have been able to track criminals down by checking through computers and getting into people's phones. I don't know about these creatures, but I bet after 6 years, they probably found out a way to do the same thing.

I through my phone against the wall about three times, making sure it's for sure broken, and that it can't be able to turn on. Oh, and I won't just leave evidence out like this. I'm taking it with me and leaving it in the bottom of my bag.


I'm wondering if some of the creatures here are friendly, and if they'll allow me to stay in their homes for a while. However, this is also their new home. What if whatever happened where they previously lived, also got invaded? Another terrifying thought, destroyed. That would be terrible if that actually happened. They could be not getting enough food back where they were originally from. All I wanted was to make these creatures pay, but now I realize that they also have a brain and a heart, obviously from what I saw an hour ago.

I'll try to ask one of those things later once it gets more dark. The sun is slowly setting, as I sit on the edge on one of the tall building's roof. I used to do this all the time, climbing up the fire escapes and watching the sunsets before I went to bed.

Looking down below of the city, there were more cars on the road than earlier. Are these creatures nocturnal? I heard the female voice yawn earlier but that could be your usual yawn. No, I think these creatures are nocturnal, that's my theory at least. Plus, the roads are filled with hovering cars, zooming back and forth making those white glowing lines. Do they even have a speed limit?


I turn around to see what it looks like a little girl about the age of 7. Her tentacles are so small, it's kind of adorable. She gasped when she looked at me and almost ran back inside and down the stairs of the fire escape. 

"Wait!" I called out.

She immediately stopped and slowly turned around facing me. She looked almost excited or happy, a mix of both. Her expression told me to go on, and so I did.

"What's your name?" I ask casually trying not to harm the girl.

"Xandra," She quietly said but loud enough for me to hear.

I smiled at Xandra and said, "I'm Evanie Clair."

"I know. The king wants you for his son, Laurence."

For the king's son? What? Is this one of those betrothal things, because I am not up for it. I've seen so many movies about it that I don't want to become apart of it. Now if those betrothals still existed, then I would rather get to know the person I'm marrying for about at least three months, maybe at least two weeks if time needs to be cut short. 

But all I can think is just, why me!? Like, there are so many other beautiful and talented woman out there and I'm just a 21 year old trying to do something, for what I think, good. I mean seriously, me? No way in tarnation that I am chosen for something great.

"Evanie? You there?" I hear Xandra's voice say. I look up to see her with a worried emotion. I sigh and ask, "Why does the king want me?"

"You don't know?" Know what? What the heck am I supposed to know about why the king wants me so much?

"Wow, amnesia really did hit you, huh?"


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