He Hates Me

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I'd hope it was a movie where I was happy. Where I could have my best friend back.

No one's stopping you but yourself.

Yeah, I know. Percy finally makes it to the monster and takes out the sword he was sent to get all those years ago where he got to meet Eli. Cosmos glowed brightly as Percy got into a ready stance.

The monster was a lot different then on earth. This monster, for one, was on a planet called Burala. It was super tall and reminded Percy of Godzilla. It has spikes in its head and trailing down its back. It was a navy blue color, almost black.

Percy swung his sword, hitting the Godzilla imposter in the leg. Luke runs up its tail and stabs its back while Bianca stays a few meters away shooting arrows at its head. Percy slashed and slashed, making sure not to get hit by the monsters claws as it tried to scratch at him.

One of the arrows hit the monster's eye and it quickly clutches it with his hand. It turned quickly almost knocking Percy over with its tail and successfully throwing Luke off its back. Percy quickly takes off a black leather bracelet that turns into a bow after putting away Cosmos.

Percy's eyes turn red signaling it was now Eli's time to fight. He drew back the arrow and quickly let it fly into the monster's other eye. Luke, taking this as his chance, jumps up and stabs it in the chest.

The monster stills and slowly falls to the ground before exploding into bright blue dust.

Bianca looks at the bracelet, which is now on Percy's wrist, to see its a dark red meaning Eli is currently taking hold of Percy's body. All the members in the army didn't want to confuse Percy and Eli up so they made the bow into a bracelet that changes colors depending on who's in control. It helps when they are on missions and the shadow made by their hoods cover their face and don't want to call Eli Percy or vice versa.

"Yo, Eli that was a nice shot! A lot better than Percy, I have to say."

Luke walks up to Bianca and put an arm around her shoulder, making Bianca smile at him. "Everyone is better than Percy at shooting a bow."

Aw that's rude! Eli tell them that's mean!

"Percy says he knows and that he will never get better."

I did not say that!

Well obviously. You're talking in your head.

Well I didn't think you'd just lie to them like that. Eli didn't know how he knew, but he knew that right now Percy was pouting with his arms crossed. Over time they found out more about what happens when the other is not in control and can tell what actions the other is taking. To Eli, that's pretty cool.

"Can we go home now? I miss Zoë and Silena and Beckendorf." Bianca says, pulling Luke closer to Eli.

"I guess Percy can come out again. I want to sleep." Eli closes his eyes and they open up to Percy's black with stars swirling through them. "Alright time to leave. After we say bye to the city people so they don't look for us like that one time on Vernilo. Not fun."

The trio walks back to the city from where they came and are met with people saying 'thank you' and smile at them, knowing that they don't have to be afraid anymore. They finally reach the place where the King of Burala has been staying while the monsters roam free throughout the small planet.

Luke knocks on the door and the three warriors wait for it to open. They don't wait long until the door flies open and the king is standing in the doorway. The trio bow down as a greeting.

A New Life to Live (PJO FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang