xxi. darkness is soon to follow

Start from the beginning

Sabrina's eyes widen. "We've been in the water for sixteen hours?" Scott questions.

Deaton nods. "And the full moon rises in less than four."


"No, dude-- you are not going back with them." Stiles states, as Sabrina tries to dry herself off. Scott had just told them that he would need to be getting pack to Deucalion soon and Stiles wasn't having it.

Scott sighs. "I made a deal with Deucalion."

"Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" Stiles questions.

"Why does it matter, anyway?" Isaac asks.

"Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott tells them.

"He trusts you more than anyone-- tell him he's wrong." Allison exclaims looking towards Deaton.

"I'm not so sure he is." Deaton begins. "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align with people you'd normally consider enemies."

"So, we're gonna trust him-- the guy that calls himself 'Death, Destroyer of Worlds'-- we're gonna trust that guy?" Sabrina questions.

"I wouldn't trust him, no. But, you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait." Deaton explains.

A noise in the entrance of the clinic caught all of their attention. "I'm looking for Lydia." A familiar voice states.

"What do you want?" Lydia questions as they all follow her out of the back room.

"I need your help." Ethan informs her.

"With what?" Sabrina interrupts, glaring at Ethan.

"Stopping my brother and Kali." Ethan starts. "From killing Derek."


The group had separated. Lydia going with Ethan. Scott, Allison, and Issac going to Allison's apartment. And Stiles and Sabrina going to the nemeton. "Stiles slow down!" Sabrina yells as Stiles drives widely through the storm. It was getting harder and harder to see out and Stiles was already driving fast. Those two things didn't mix well together.

"Whoa!" Stiles comments as something flies past them. With the distraction Stiles wasn't able to see the broken tree lying in the road. "Shi-" Stiles begins as he notices it, quickly he jerks his wheel to the side to avoid it. With the storm and speed Stiles was going at he quickly lost control of the jeep.

"Stiles!" Sabrina yells as they slam into a tree. Both teens hit their heads, effectively knocking them out.


Sabrina didn't know how long they were out, but she woke up with a killer headache. "Ah." She groans as she reaches up to touch her forehead, pulling her hand back she noticed blood. Shaking her head lightly she turned to Stiles to see him still unconscious. "Stiles." Sabrina mumbles, trying to shake him without hurting him further. "Stiles."

Finally Stiles woke up. "Ugh, what happened?" Stiles questions, looking around.

"You lost control." Sabrina mumbles, beginning to unbuckle her seatbelt. "C'mon, I don't know how long we've been out, but we have to find your dad." Stiles nods his head as they both jump out of the wrecked jeep. It was hard to see outside, even out of the jeep, but Stiles lucky recognized the area.

"This way, Sabrina!" Stiles calls over the raging wind. Running through the woods Sabrina spotted the nemeton.

"There it is!" Sabrina exclaims, pointing to the large tree stump. Without even moving closer to it Stiles and Sabrina could hear screaming. "Go, Stiles, go!" Quickly the two teenagers run over to the tree. The hole in the ground gave away what was happening. Jennifer must have been keeping the parents underground, and now the ground was caving in on itself. Sabrina followed after Stiles as the two jumped down into the room. Assessing the scene in front of him Stiles noticed that they were all trying to hold a support beam up, but it was becoming too heavy.

"It's too heavy..." Allison groans as Stiles slips his bat under the beam, stopping it from falling.

When Sheriff Stilinski notices his son, a large smile appears on his face. "I always said aluminum was better than wood."

Suddenly the wild storm outside abruptly stops. "Is it over?" Allison questions. Before Sabrina could celebrate her phone began ringing.

"Scott?" Sabrina questions into the phone.

"Hey, are you okay?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. How about you? You okay?" Sabrina sighs, looking up at everyone.

"Sort of." Scott states.

"Do you think you can come get us?" Sabrina asks.

"Yeah, of course." Scott responds. Sabrina smiles, letting a sigh pass through her lips.

"Great! Okay. Um, uh... Bring a ladder." Sabrina states, causing everyone to let out a laugh. And just like that one villain had been defeated. How sad it was for them that the worst was yet to come.

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