Chapter 9: Looks Like Something Out Of One Of Those Trashy High School Movies

Depuis le début

Big mistake.

Obviously not concentrating, because that's something I rarely do and need to do more of to prevent accidents like these from happening, I had forgotten you had to step up into the limo and found myself tripping over the edge of the car to land in a very un-lady like sprawl across the row of very, very comfy padded seats.

The dress had slid so far up my thighs that I mentally slapped myself at the fact I'd worn my bright pink granny panties. Now before you go judging me, they were my lucky pants!

I am 100% comfort over style, if that wasn't blatantly obvious already.

Burning with a fiery red, I lifted my sprawled body off the seats and took the window seat, trying to act nonchalant about what had just happened, imitating Ace's earlier ignorance.

"The only one getting those BIG pink panties of theirs in a twist is you," I imagined Ace smirking at the back of my head, his piercing blue gaze slicing into my head.

Leaning my head against the cool and comforting glass window, I prepared for the worst car ride of my life, and trust me I had had a lot of awful car rides, but this was definitely making it into the heavy list of Top Ten Worst Car Rides I've Experienced.


Pulling me out of my daze, I un-zipped my Louis Vuitton Alma Bag, which my mom had surprised me with for my birthday last year, and reached down for my phone. It lit up with 3 new messages from Lucas.

ItsLucasYouDoofus: A little birdie told me you were going to the party? Now I understand why you were so dressed up.

ItsLucasYouDoofus: Gotta admit Sara, didn't take you for the party type. And going with Ace, seriously? That jerk wouldn't know what manners were if they slapped him in the face.

SaraNoDrama: You obviously have a very good little birdie, mind if I borrow it? I know, I know but honestly he does have a good side, it's just REALLY hidden by his egotistical attitude.

SaraNoDrama: Apologies about me not saying goodbye, but as you could see I was too busy tripping over the limo's edge and sprawling across the back seats, due to Ace having the patience of a not so very patient saint. Honestly, I think I need to change my username.

"For your information, I have the patience of a very patient saint," I turned my head to see him glaring at me, and I let out a small giggle and watched in admiration as his frown was replaced with a smile and his eyes twinkled with happiness.

"It's rude to look at someone's phone you know, something I like to call 'intrusion of privacy' which is one of my pet hates if you were wondering," I took a sidelong glance at Ace, who was leaning his head against the head rest and stretching his abdominal muscles so much his shirt lifted up to revel a glimpse of tanned skin.

I hadn't had time to fully "check him out", and I was going to take all the time in the world to do so.

Faded black jeans hung dangerously low around his waist, and a neat white polo shirt was tight around his skin, not hiding the fact that he worked out. A lot.

"Well I wasn't."

"You weren't what?"

"I wasn't wondering what your pet hate was, curiosity killed the cat, right?"

"It's still got another eight lives." I retorted.

His hair was gelled back in a loose, messy style, some strands of hair sticking out at odd angles but still looking oh-so perfect.

What is with this guy and artfully messy hair?

Seeing Lucas was typing, I stared at the screen patiently, waiting for his witty reply until suddenly my phone was snatched straight out of my hands by the one and the only: Ace Walker.

All Wrapped UpOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant