As a friend, Martha just wants the best both of her friends and she just wants to be there and support both of them. She doesn't take any side. Whether Karlie or Taylor. Because she doesn't really know the main issues.

Taylor went to their favorite club in town. Gay club. As usual, Taylor will be wearing her wigs to go in public. She doesn't want anyone recognize her.

Todrick and Martha come late to the club. Taylor has a few drinks while waiting for Todrick and Martha. Anyone doesn't recognize her when she wears that wig. She also wearing glasses so no one will know that her.

Todrick and Martha were dancing. And they come to Taylor at the bar.

"Are you okay, dear? Let's dance, babe?" Todrick ask.

"You look horrible," Martha said.

"Yeah, you invite us out, but you just sitting here drinking. Let's have fun tonight. At least. Let's Partayyyy!" Todrick shows his best dance move. Taylor just smiled.

"Yeah, Let's dance. Let's go crazy tonight." Martha sip her drinks. She looks at Taylor wasn't interested.

Taylor looks at her drink glasses.

"Idk, I don't feel like dance right now. I don't dance without Karlie. I don't wanna dance without her."

Taylor sips her drink. Old fashioned is like her favorite drink now.

"Since Karlie left, my life is empty. I don't want to be at home. I don't want to be alone. Because every corner of my house reminds me of her. I see her everywhere."

Taylor starts to open up how she feels right now.

"I know, everything's gonna be fine. It just matters of time. You'll be just fine." Todrick rub Taylor's back.

"Yeah, Let's forget about her tonight. Okay? You'll be just fine. Trust me." Martha tries to convince Taylor.

"let's dance. This is your favorite jam song" Todrick dance.

"I miss her so much. How can she just leave me just like that? She told me that she never leave me. Now she getting married to someone else. I hate her so much. How can she be happy and I'm the one who suffers and pain right now."

Taylor sips her last shot of whiskey. Taylor seems drunk. She starts crying like a baby. She put her head on the table.

"Why she leave me? Why? Am I not good enough for her? Why is she not calling me? She never sees me again. I hate her. I hate her so much. I miss her. I love her so much. Karlie..." Taylor starts to shout Karlie's name.

"Martha, I think we should go now. She seems drunk already." Todrick gives a sign to Martha.

"No. I'm not drunk. I'm sober. I'm fine. Let us drink some more. Two old fashioned, please. It's okay. Drinks on me." Taylor orders a glass of drinks to the bartender.

Taylor drinks alcohol like water now. Todrick looks at Martha. Todrick pulls away from all the glasses from Taylor. They need to get back home before Taylor starts to make a scene. And crying like a baby.

"Since when she started to drink whiskey. No. No. This is enough for tonight, Tay." Martha shakes her head and shows a 'No'sign to the bartender on her mouth. She canceled the drinks.

"Taylor, let's go home." Todrick tries to lift Taylor's hand.

"No. I don't wanna go home. I wanna see Karlie. Where is Karlie? Why she isn't here yet. Call her. Where is Karlie?" Taylor slam her head on the table? She keeps shouting.

"Oh My God. Here we go again. Every fucking time." Martha says while looking at Todrick. They know every time Taylor gets drunk, Karlie is always she talks about. Karlie's names always come out from her lips when she starts drunk.

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