That sure was a sMOOth ride. Get it?

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An hour passed after that Lynn and Clyde arrived at the Loud House. Rita and Lynn Sr. told their children about the retirement home they were going to stay in and showed them what they had learned at their salsa dance class. Leni who was catching up with everyone asked Luna about her group "The Music Loud and Sharp" composed of her and her fiancée Sam Sharp. Luna excitedly told her sister about the new album her and Sam were working on.

"Don't tell Sam," Luna said "But I've been working on a song for her. She hasn't heard it yet. She doesn't even know I wrote it."

"Really? Can we hear it?" Lola asked

Luna hesitated for a second then ran to her car outside and came back with her guitar. She started strumming the cords.

"Tell me if you like it. Honestly."

She started playing a soft tune before singing.

You are my pretty girl

The only one on my mind

Yeah, you are my pretty girl 

And I'll be yours if you're mind

Cause you are my pretty girl

And I only see you

Yeah you are my pretty girl

Girl, you know my words are true

She stopped. Her siblings and parents stared at her in amazement.

"That was,..." Rita started

"Amazing!" Lana said "You wrote that on your own?"

"Yep. You think Sam will like it?"

They all nodded. 

"You guys are really one musical family." Lori pointed out

"Yeah." Luna said "I already taught the twins to play a bit of each classical instrument. Electric guitar included."

The twins were Sam and Luna's adoptive twin daughters; Lumi and Sasha who had just turned six.

"Lumi's really into electric guitar. Sasha prefers the keyboard. But they're both pretty good."

After a while, Lana said something.

"I understand why Lise's late. Lucy being late isn't surprising either. But Luan is almost always on time. Even when her car breaks down."

As to answer her, someone knocked on the door. 

"Hi everyone!"

"LUAN!" everyone shouted happily.

Luan hugged her mother, then her father, then all her siblings in a giant huddle. She had missed them a lot.

Luan had changed a lot during the last fifteen years. More than any of her siblings. Her long brown hair weren't in a ponytail anymore. They were cut down at the bottom of her neck. The pink flower that used to be on her shirt was now  in her hair and her white shirt and yellow stiped skirt had been replaced by a pair of shorts and a yellow sweater. Her sense of humor hadn't changed. Just like for Lily, people thought Luan looked younger than the actually was. Most people gave her between 20 and 25 years of age while she was actually 29. But like Lily, she didn't mind.

"How come you're so late?" Lincoln asked

"Well," she said "It wasn't so much of a sMOOth ride, I'm afraid."

"What do you mean?" everyone asked

Luan looked a little embarrassed. She lowered her voice slightly and said.

"After my car broke down, I tried to get someone to take me here. I finally came over one man who agreed but he was drunk. Once I realised it, I was already in the car. I didn't want to get out and continue by walking so I told him, I'd drive. Surprisingly he agreed right away. So I drove and everything was fine. Until I hit a cow."

"What?" Lynn said

"Yeah. We weren't really far from the house so I just got out as fast as I could and came here."

"Luan, you do realise the poor guy is probably going to get sued for the cow that you hit." Lana told her

"Poor guy? Excuse me Lana, but that guy was driving with a high level of alchool in his system. And he took me in without telling me he was drunk."

"Maybe he wasn't realising it." Ronnie Ann proposed

"That doesn't make it better. Besides, he'll get in a lot less trouble for driving drunk and hitting a cow than for driving drunk and taking a person in his car without telling it. He'll get what he deserved."

"Wait" Clyde said "Was that cow black with a white head?"

"Yeah. Why?"

He looked at Lynn. The brunette laughed and said

"That's Betsy. The cow that blocked the road the last time we came!" 

The Future of the Loud HouseHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin