
"Shit, shit, shit." I mutter as I try and do my tie up.

"Here." My brother steps in front of me and does it for me. "Nervous?" He smirks.

"Shitting bricks! What if she says no?" I watch Luciano roll his eyes.

"They all should be arriving soon." I smile, looking forward to seeing my future wife and our little girl.

"I think he's done a shit." I turn around in the hotel room and watch Elijah hold my son at arms length, his nose turned up.

"We've just managed to get him into that suit and now you're telling me he's gone and done a shit!"

"Stop swearing in front of the kid." Ardian scolds and I roll my eyes and then turn back to my brother.

"Change my son." His eyes widen and he frantically shakes his head. "Change. My. Son."

"But he's your son." He throws his arms up in frustration. Then proceeds to take off his suit jacket and roll up his sleeves.

"He's your nephew."

After another chaotic hour of getting ready, I find myself greeting guests, most of them are aunties, uncles and cousins. Some of our men, who have taken a liking to Ava and her cooking skills are scattered around the place.

It's not long before I am standing next to the marriage officiant. Luciano who I made my best man, is stood next to me, a proud smile on his face.

"Oh my shit!" He mutters and I look at him to see he is covering his mouth and his eyes are watery. I look around and furrow my eyebrows.

Then I see him.

His husband, Paul.

"Go." I nudge him and he sprints off to him and pulls him into a tight hug. I smile at the sight of my brother embracing his husband and it makes me even more excited to see my Ava.

They interact for about ten minutes before Paul takes a seat with the rest of the guests and Luciano walks back over to me.

"Did you know?" He questions, still in shock. I shake my head. "Ava." He shakes his head and smiles. "She really is a gem, that woman." He says, winking at his husband who winks back.

"She definitely is." I whisper and look down the aisle waiting for everything to start. "Fuck, what's taking so long." I loosen my tie a little and look around at the friends and family I haven't seen in a long time.

"Bro, they're women, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up waiting a whole year before your future wife decides to walk down the aisle and even then she probably still won't be ready." I chuckle at his words.

"She better fucking hurry up." I mutter.

However, all of a sudden my heart starts to race and I can feel myself start to sweat as Adele, Make you feel my love, starts playing throughout the room.

I think back to the time when Ava and I were planning and she was adamant on using this song to walk down the aisle too.

She thought it would make me cry.

She was right.

My eyes start to water as Lily walks down the aisle, everyone smiles at my little girl who has a bright smile on her face. I laugh as she throws flower petals at peoples feet. "Daddy!" She squeals and I smile brightly at her. I pick her up as soon as she reaches me.

"Hey, princess." I kiss her forehead. "You look so beautiful."

"So does mummy!" She whispers in my ear and grins. Next Ardian walks down with Aleksio holding his hand, Lily squeals again when she sees the little boy and I tighten my hold on her.

I don't want her to grow up.


Elijah and Alice then walk down hand in hand and I smile at the loving couple. Elijah is carrying Liam and Alice smiles brightly at me before taking Lily out of my arms. "Get ready." She whispers.

A couple seconds later, my breath is taken away when I see Ava walking down arm in arm with my sister who is smirking at me.

I try to blink the tears away but it really does not work.

I always feel like I'm in a dream when I'm with this woman.

I roll my eyes when Elena kisses her on the cheek and then goes to stand beside our brother.

"Hi." Ava whispers, I can see her glossy eyes through her veil.

"Hey, Angel." I smile.

The marriage officiant begins to speak but I can't help but keep my full attention on Ava. She's invaded my senses.

It isn't until we are about to exchange our vows that I come back to reality. She begins to speak and I literally feel my eyes starting to well up again.

"Kaden. You have made a massive impact on my life, you have given me the opportunity to be a mother to our beautiful children and I will always be thankful for that. Even though you can be crazy and possessive, I don't love you any less." She takes a shaky breath and tightens her hold on my hands. "We've had our ups and downs but I vow to always make you happy and to also love you unconditionally. I promise to be a loving and devoting wife, I will always be by your side in sickness and in health." I watch her smile gently. "No matter what happens, I will always love you, Kaden Morello."

She slides the wedding ring onto my finger and I can't help but shed a tear. She smiles and reaches up to wipe it away. "I love you." She mouthed, making me feel like it is just us two in the room.

The marriage officiant turns to me and nods his head.

"My sweet Angel. From the day I first saw you outside my house, I wouldn't of thought how much you would have impacted mine and Lily's life. You are an amazing mother to our little girl and our baby boy and I will forever be grateful for you. I promise to love you unconditionally, I promise to always make you happy and I promise that we will be having those three more children." Everyone around us laughs and I look into her eyes and watch her smile. "You're my best friend, my lover and I love you. I am going to be the husband you deserve and no matter what happens I will be with you every step of the way. Ava, my love, you really do complete me."

I gently hold her hand and slowly slide the ring onto her finger, I then raise her hand up and place a small kiss on top of the ring.

"Our bride and groom have vowed to be loving towards each other, they have expressed their love through words, given and received their rings. Therefore, I am happy to pronounce them husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

Cheers fill the room and I don't hesitate to push back Ava's veil and pull my wife into a deep kiss.

Mrs Morello.

Ava Morello.

My wife.


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