"Who are you?" I ask. 

I look around the room frantically. Moira, mom, and dad watch, unsure of what to do or how to react. I can only imagine what's going through their heads. Perhaps they're looking at a potential reason not to send me off to college. Maybe they're considering a doctor or an institution? 

"Honey...." My mom approaches me quietly. "It's us. Your mom and dad. And Moira... are you okay?"

HELP HELP HELP. HE'S COMING! HE'S COMING! HE HAS HER! They're barely whispers anymore. The voices get louder and louder with each expression. I clap my hands over my ears and bend over while my forehead explodes in pain. 


There's blood on my hands. 


There's blood on the floor around me. 


Blood on a yellow dress. 


Mrs. Gates carrying the lifeless body of her daughter. 


I'm back in the foyer of my house. I slowly open one eye, to see my family staring at me with a deep intensity. I'm afraid to hear how they'll address this. I open the second eye. For me to disappoint them after everything they've ever given me would be the worst of it all. My dad asks me something, but his voice is foggy and just comes out in a sea of tones. I just want to be okay, for them, and for me. I nod my head as if to say, yes I'm okay. But I don't want them to have to worry about these episodes, but they're just getting worse and I have no idea what they mean. 

A woman screams outside. Jake's mom is alive? Somehow? Despite the blood on the ground. And I need to get the hell out of this house right now. I bolt towards the door and swing it open, causing the doorknob to dent the wall behind the door. My mom curses and my dad calls after me, but I need the fresh air and I need to help Jake. 

He's crunched over his mom's soon to be lifeless body. Her gasps are short and uneven, from what I can see of her chest movement. He's holding her hand, crying. I think she's crying, too. Neither of them see me coming. 

"Who did this to you?" I hear Jake ask her. He speaks loud enough for me to hear from across the street. I gradually slow down, the smell of blood being wafted into my yard, making me gag.  

She tries to speak but her voice is broken by a hoarse cough. This is painful for her. The sight of seeing another human being in this state makes me uneasy. But I press on. 

"Mom, please." He begs, croaking out the words, choking on his breath. "Who was it?"

I'm closer and closer to the scene. If there's anything I can do to help, I want to do it. Jake has experienced so much in the past couple months and yet he's been a good acquaintance to me. While we're not friendly friends, we do check up on one another from time to time. Molly had the ability to bring people together. She was just one of those people. 

Jake's mom takes a raspy breath. She tries to sit up, but Jake stops her. 

"Please mom, just wait here. Someone's getting help."

Jake's mom looks around. Her eyes searching the crowd around her. Her head turns sharply to the right and I can see her body wince at the movement. She's now staring directly at my house. Her eyes go wide and she starts to whimper. 

"Scarlett, Scarlett, Scarlett, you..... YOU have, you have," She stutters. I can see her fighting sleep. If she sleeps, it's over. 

"Mom, Scarlett?"

"She... sh-sh... she lives.... I die."

I freeze. Everyone turns to look at me. Horror, terror, anger clouding their judgement. And I am speechless. 

"Yes the victim just accused Scarlett Hirsch of the attack," I hear someone say into their phone, somewhere off to the side. 


Jake cuts me off, "Just shut the fuck up."

I wince at his words. My eyes fill with tears. I would never. I could never. 

"The police are on the way," our neighbor announces. He then grabs my arm. "Sorry, but I can't let you leave, Scarlett. They've got questions for you." 

My words fall away. My arm goes numb. The panic creeps in, ever so slightly. I dig through my memories, trying to figure this out. Why would Jake's mom accuse me? Me? I'm just a kid living through my life, trying to get out of this stupid down where bad things happen to good, good people. I hear the sirens. They give me something to focus on. 

Breathe in. 

Breathe out. 

My gaze gets starry. I blink a few times. I hear my mom, my dad, Moira fighting with people around me. But the most stand out sound of all are Jake's sobs. 

I cannot 

get them 


of my 


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