Chapter Nine: Starting Over

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Three months later ~

Tapping my foot as I was anxious waiting to see the boys again, three months Nothing , three months since Tommy got marry and the kiss Vince gave me . Don't get me wrong I am counfused as hell about what I am truly feeling but for now I am putting that aside. My natural short blond hair had grown out to my shoulders my black spiked doaller and leather black jacket added to my look with my boots. Mick invite me more like pushed into coming to the Club the band was hosting at, I  was back staged in the waiting room waiting for them to get here. The door jiggled and noises interupted from the door my heart flattened seeing them. They looked healthy so much better including Nikki he was the only one I spoke to beacuse he was in rehab and he needed me. Than Vince and Tommy come into vieue my face  become bright red as I say. "Tommy?" I smiled "Lee?" I questioned and run over hugging all of them Tommy was stunned he never thought he would see me again. They both smiled towards me and Vince grabbed my hand and hugged me tightly causing Tommy to look at me in a counfused way but what I saw that he still had the wedding ring on I am not getting my self into that. I soon kissed Vince cheek and smiled " finaly get to see you " I says and smiled hugging Tommy "hi" he looked at me weak as I turned away toward the couch. "What going on I haven't seen y'all in so long " i say and They all started talking at once like a bunch of children I chuckled and smiled " no achoal uh Nikki " he smirked as he drank his water "nope" I soon sat the boys down getting there makeup ready for the performance they were about to play and I smiled doing Tommy as the rest of the boys had left. "You changed " he chuckled and I moved the eyeliner stick away from his eye "what that supposed to mean?" Tommy laughed " in a good way and shocking the hair you told me you never grow your hair out this long, again." Grace Snicker's shocked that he remeber . "Didn't have time too now go get them" she didn't want the talk to long with him Grace finaly cry all her feelings and emethions out and feels nothing towards him but that what she been trying to convince herself. The performance was over soon and later as always they did amazing I wasn't really in the mood to party so I went back to the dressing room in the back. I open the door hoping there wasn't anyone in there and there wasn't. I sat down cracking open my bag and lighting a cigarette, not really in the mood to party.  The door cracks open Grace just thought two drinks stumble in the wrong room but it wasn't  "Nikki" he sat down on the couch with me and says. "I missed you" he whisper and I layed my head on my brother shoulder "me too, I just wish the band didn't turn out like this " Nikki knew what I meant it was more towards me and how Tommy never came out with his feelings, how Vince And Grace were always in a complicated realtionship. Grace played with her brother hair and says "I know " Nikki Snicker's "shutup and why aren't you out there with the others?" He asked. I looked at him willed putting my legs on his lap and resting my back on the couch taking a puff of the burning cigarette "not in the moode and you party animal" Nikki shakes his head " way to many tempting things" I nodded and says "understanding what was even like it in there." He laughed stealing my cigarette " absolute shit" he says taking a puff. " hey!" I yelled playfully punching his arm "I miss this " he says. To this day I knew Nikki was never sappy and open about his feelings really only to pepole he loves or cares about. "I miss you too you messy hair freak. " The doors busted in Police sirens flood through the  doors Mick was Holding Vince as he was drunk and Tommy ran in " come on let's fucking go!"

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