Chapter Six: The Last good time

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WARNING: self harm mention,  PTSD, Trauma,

It been a couple weeks since I was out of the hospital the tour finaly ended beacuse of me. The boys ended the tour beacuse of me Nikki was acting different I haven't talked to Tommy since a couple weeks from now the only person I am in touch was with Mick, beacuse I live with him, Always going to his check ups, always making sure his grumpy self takes his meds and eats food not just fireball and and fucking cereal I was struggling with my PTSD and Trauma, but I didn't want to talk to Mick about it, he has enough to worry about. I walked inside to the house to see Mick taking his meds that helped him with his joint's. "Hey I got some groceries" I said setting them down than I dropped them a Flash of black and white made me gasp I had memory's of my mother beating me and her boyfriend's burning out cigarettes out on my four arms. I didn't hear the clank of groceries or the glass broken I just remembering the memory's of my mother Coming home drunk or sniffing cocaine in the bathroom, and that when I felt Mick holding me. My heart was beating to fast for my body I could hear again and started to cry, it sounded more like a scream I hadn't had a break down like this since I was 15 teen. Mick kissed my head holding me close to his chest. "Shh Grace it going to be okay" he said I lost focus for a moment and flashes came back of my mom beating me I sighed and open my eyes seeing everything infront of me. The bag half ripped groceries bags ripped and I sighed he decide to help me walk to the spare bedroom I told him it okay and could go he was worry but he listened I sat there laying in the bed My heart was slowing down as I grabbed something from my desk and it was a necklace with a blade on it. It described how far I  became from when I was younger I hadn't put it on in a whille as I touch the blade it wasn't sharp it was flat I sat up and put the necklace down Hearing a knock from the front door But I didn't care I stayed still thinking about the boys and how far they came, but my mind wander to when I was a teen I wasn't a good kid but I knew my mother didn't care. Drugs from every corner Smoking Pott with friends Partying Everytime, that why I hated the sorta life the boys were in but it was different with them.  I heard Mick voice and than Tommy's but it was a voice I never heard before, I slipped my hair up and a red baggy flannel on walking to the front door. Tommy was there he looked at me and smiled he looked truly happy but I frowned when I saw the girl next to him and the big rock on her finger "were getting marry!" He said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes I wasn't in the best mood to hear that type of news I looked around and saw my combat boots and my purse . Those two kept talking as they walked in Tommy didn't even look my way I knew I shouldn't go Out but even being in the same room as Tommy as after the tour he screwed me and dropped me just like that, I never knew why he did but now I do, and shockingly Nikki had know idea. I went to the fridge has I heard the Blond girl she seem nice like not a rocker I grabbed a Beer and popped I open I looked up stoping from taking a sip she chuckled "nice necklace" she said. Okay was Malibu Barbie referring to my blade necklace? I toke my sip and set it down seeing Tommy looking over at us two "Thanks I like the fake boobs too" She was taken back and so was Tommy he glared as Mick chuckled a bit "Real mature" I grinned slipping my boots on grabbing my purse "says the guy who ran around naked in a hotel!" I yelled flipping Tommy and his Barbie the finger, Luckily Mick and my Apartment was close to town as I could just walk there I haven't seen him since the last concert, of the tour. 

"Tommy?" I said walking over to him as tears were down my face He was getting dress as he turned around and looked at me I knew something was up what I just said and we'll, what we were doing when I said it well, that could be what was wrong. "I don't love you" he said "I didn't" he cut me off. "I know you do Grace but I never did you were just ass too me" he open the door and left.

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