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Ciara's POV

It had been about a week since that night out. I was proud of myself for doing what I did, but deep down I missed Harry. I wasn't bothered if we were 'together' or 'official' I just wanted him around, back as my best friend. It got pretty lonely being here on my own. Since the night that I first went out, Harry had been to see me nearly everyday and if not he would message. Don't get me wrong I get messages from the group chat but it was nothing like how I spoke to Harry.

All I tend to do is lay around the apartment, I tend to keep busy by tidying everything constantly. Most of my evening are consumed by me watching television and twiddling with my hair.

But tonight, I decided on something different.
YouTube was the highlight of my night but only one YouTuber in particular. Wroetoshaw. Somehow, even seeing him on a laptop screen made me happy. He had no idea I watch him, I just like to support him even if I did walk away from him the other day. However, I was only trying to prove a point. The point was that it hurt. Imagine being sucked into thinking that someone likes you, then with in a matter of seconds the feeling is completely different.

"Why can't I just message you?" I muttered to myself. I wanted to message him but I didn't want to be rejected. I pulled my phone from the coffee table pausing Harry's video on my laptop.

I huff as I write, delete and then re-write messages to Harry. Just say something simple Ciara.

To : Harry

Harry, can we talk?

I finally sent it, it feels like a repeat of what was sent after the morning that Harry and I had the argument about the alcohol.

From : Harry

Come to mine x

I smiled to myself, I bit my lip pulling myself up off of the couch. I quickly get myself dressed making myself look presentable, my hair was slicked back into a ponytail as usual. Then ordered an Uber instead of taking the tube as usual.

I locked up and waited outside of my block of apartments waiting for my Uber. It turned up and I jumped in. Nerves started to race around my body, my stomach filling with butterflies. I was nervous to talk to him, Harry wasn't a horrible person nor was he nasty. I just know he's quick to snap.

The Uber pulled up outside Harry's place, I paid the driver and jumped out. My hands shakily knocked on the door. The door opened slowly to reveal Lux. "Ciara, what's up?" He asked pulling my into a hug to say hello.

"I'm here to see Harry, actually." I timidly smile pulling out of the hug.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Come on in." He replied opening the door wider to let me through, I shot him a smile to say thank you and walked through into the house. "He's in his room, go on through." He smiled pointing towards Harry's door.

I knocked on the door which I was informed was Harry's. "Come in." The familiar voice shouted. I stepped in to see a scruffy looking Harry. His hair was a complete mess and he was sat in the most baggy of clothes.

"Hi." I awkwardly say closing the door behind me. He stared at me for a moment clearly taking all of this in. It was extremely awkward, the other night I was in complete 'Fuck Harry' mode, today is completely different. I wanted this all to go away and go back to how it was before.

"Sit down." Harry said gesturing to the bottom of his bed. I nodded taking a seat to face him. "How have you been?" Harry asked politely whilst running his fingers through his hair.

"I've been okay." I told him. "How about you?" I return the question.

"You know had a lot of thinking to do." He shrugged leaning back against his headboard. I couldn't work out what he was thinking by his facial expressions, he wasn't giving anything away. I couldn't tell whether he was mad, happy, I couldn't tell anything.

"What you been thinking about?" I asked picking the sheets which laid on the bed.

"What happened." He bluntly said, I looked up and our eyes connected almost immediately. "I want to know how you feel about this - us." He corrected himself at the end of his sentence.

"The first time we went out since not seeing you for ages I just thought you were troubled and was suffering badly from your break up, I just thought you needed a pick me up. I thought you needed someone to confide in." I paused. "But, then we started spending all this time together, even if it was you coming round for an hour for a coffee. I started to get you used to you being around. You would flirt with me and send me signals telling me you were into me. Then on the other hand you treated me like one of the lads, inviting me to come shopping with you and often hearing comments about fit girls." I chuckled which he joined in with. "And then, you kissed me. When I went home the next day I thought you had only done it because you felt sorry for me, you know for all that happened with Lewis. I thought a couple of days later you would have messaged me telling me 'it was all a mistake' but actually, you didnt message me for a couple of months. You completely shut me out." I explained. I put everything on the line. I noticed his face drop when it got to the end of my little 'speech'.


"Harry, I think I get it now." I cut him off. "I think it was all a big mistake, wasn't it?" I added staring down at my hands which were playing with each other in my lap.

"No." Harry sternly answered. "It wasn't a mistake, Ciara." He shuffled towards me causing me to furrow my eyebrows.

"Then why did you walk away, Harry?" I muttered at first. "Why did you ignore me for months?!" I added beginning to become frustrated.

"I was scared, C. When I was with Katie-"

"Here we go again." I through my arms up in the air. "It's all about her, Harry. Admit it, your still in love with her." I carried on still completely frustrated.

"Well of course I fucking do, Ciara." He shouted back. "It's pretty hard to fucking get over someone who you spent five years of your fucking life with isn't it." He carried on screaming at me.

"You know what, fuck this." I put my arms up in the air with defeat. "I get it, both of this kisses were nothing. Shall we leave this here?" I asked giving up.

"Well if you had just fucking listened, maybe the conversation wouldn't have taken such a shit turn." He growled at me. His fists were clenched into balls and his eyebrows were furrowed, his look was stern. Harry was pissed off, which funnily enough was I.
"Ciara, I can't help the fact that you are jealous every time I mention Katie-"

"It's not that I'm jealous, Harry." I groan in frustration.

He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh, yeah, so what is it then Ciara?" He snapped.

"Nothing." I shouted standing up.

"This is what I hate about women." Harry groaned sinking back into his position on the bed. "You make drama out of everything." He grumbled.

"Oh fuck you, Harry." I shouted once again, my hands grasped the handle of his door pulled it open and went to walk out.

"Fuck you Ciara." He shouted back.

All of the sudden two boys come running out of their rooms. "What is going on?" Freezy asked concerned by all of the shouting, which I completely felt bad for but Harry was irrational and I guess so was I, it was hard liking someone who is still in love with someone else. I'm not a rebound and won't be used to mend a broken heart.

"Nothing." I calmly said making my way towards the door. "Sorry for disturbing you." I sympathetically smiled making my way out of the door, they both smiled back at me before I closed the door behind me.

As soon as I heard the door click into position I let out a deep breath. A felt a tear trickle down my cheek, this clearly wasn't going to work.

I give up. Time to put my attention else where.

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